平松 正義
金森 道人
田辺 秀二
松尾 寛
松隈 大志
林 佑二
興津 健二
松本 泰重
長崎大学工学部材料工学科, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Connecticut
SUIB Steven
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Connecticut
金森 道人
Matsumoto H
Faculty Of Engineering Nagasaki University
Handa Makoto
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Shimane University
興津 健二
田辺 秀二
田邉 秀二
Suib Steven
Dept. Of Chemistry University Of Connecticut
Okitsu Kenji
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Osaka University
松本 泰重
Morishita Hiroaki
Department Of Chemistry School Of Science Kwansei Gakuin University
- 超音波による酸化鉄ナノ粒子の生成及び酸化メカニズムの解明
- 短間隙放電によるNO_x分解について
- N_2ガス中の短間隙放電特性とガスの挙動について
- 第18回電熱大会発表論文 熱電ハイブリッド吸着冷凍機の実証試験--飲料工場における60℃以下の未利用熱エネルギーの活用
- 442 低温駆動熱電併用型吸着冷凍機の開発(省エネルギー(IV))(空気調和・冷凍技術)
- 誘電体バリヤー放電プラズマ反応器によるメタンの低重合および二酸化炭素改質
- 平板状スーパー活性炭/伝熱板一体型吸着器の熱・物質移動に関する理論的検討
- 低相対水蒸気圧下におけるゼオライト/水系の吸着平衡と吸着蓄熱に関する実験的検討
- アルコール/活性炭系ディスクモジュール型吸着ヒートポンプによる冷熱生成
- 水/粒子系スラリーを輸送する際の界面活性剤添加による管摩擦抵抗低減
- 技術とコストのハードル
- 放電プラズマを用いたメタンの活性化
- Shear stress-induced platelet aggregation in various types of von Willebrand disease
- NOxガス中の放電特性に及ぼすハイドロカーボンガスの影響
- Polymer Complexes of Rhodium(II) Trifluoroacetamidate with Pyrazine, 4,4'-Bipyridine, and 1,4-Diazabicy-clo[2.2.2]octane
- Dinuclear Copper(II) Complexes of Free Radical Carboxylic Acids
- Antiferromagnetic Adducts of Copper(II) Propionate with Pyridyl Nitronyl Nitroxides
- Adduct Polymers and Dimers of Rhodium(II) Pivalate with Pyrazine, 4, 4'-Bipyridine, 1, 4-Diazabicyclo[2. 2. 2]octane, Triethylamine, and Pyridine
- Synthesis, X-Ray Structures, and Magnetic Properties of [Cu_2(piv)_4(Et_3N)_2] and [Cu_6(piv)_6(EtO)_6] (Hpiv = Pivalic Acid ) : Role of Base for Dinuclear Adduct and Oligonuclear Formation
- Catalytic Behavior of Au Core/Pd Shell Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Silica Prepared by Sonochemical and Sol-Gel Processes
- Sonolytic Control of Rate of Gold (III) Reduction and Size of Formed Gold Nanoparticles : Relation between Reduction Rates and Sizes of Formed Nanoparticles
- Formation of Palladium Nanoclusters on Y-Zeolite via a Sonochemical Process and Conventional Methods
- Generation of Hydrogen from Methanol in a Dielectric - Barrier Discharge - Plasma System
- Profiles of Carbon Dioxide Decomposition in a Dielectric-Barrier Discharge-Plasma System
- Partial Oxidation of Methane with Nitrous Oxide in a Dielectric-Barrier Discharge System
- Profiles of Methane Dimerization with a Glow Discharge Plasma System
- Sonochemical Preparation of Size - Controlled Palladium Nanoparticles on Alumina Surface
- Preparation of Finely Dispersed-Palladium Metal in Zeolite by High Frequency-Ultrasonic Irradiation
- ゼオライト細孔内パラジウムクラスタ-表面の活性酸素によるメタンの選択的部分酸化反応
- ゼオライトの還元-酸化特性を利用した活性化
- New strategy of platelet substitutes for enhancing platelet aggregation at high shear rates : cooperative effects of a mixed system of fibrinogen γ-chain dodecapeptide- or glycoprotein Ibα-conjugated latex beads under flow conditions
- Self-assembly of Mixed-valent Ruthenium(II, III) Pivalate and Octacyanotungstate(V) Building Blocks
- Cycloaddition of Carbon Dioxide to 1,2-Epoxypropane Catalyzed by Tetra-t-butylphthalocyaninatoaluminium(III) Hydroxide
- Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of the Green Ytterbium (III) and Lutetium (III) Sandwich Complexes of Octabutoxy-Substituted Phthalocyanine
- Selective Si-Si Bond Cleavage of Decaisopropylbicyclo[2.2.0]hexasilane with Hydrobromic Acid and Hydrochloric Acid
- Synthesis, Structure, and Reactions of Octakis(1,1,2-trimethylpropyl)octagermacubane
- Highly Planar Silane[(i-Pr)_3Si]_3SiH and Silyl Radical[(i-Pr)_3Si]_3Si・
- Structure and Unusual Electronic Spectra of Decaisopropyl-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptasilane
- ファン型触媒・プラズマリアクタについて
- A Polymer Complex [Cu(O_2CC_6F_5)_2-(pyz)]_n Formed from Copper(II) Pentafluorobenzoate and Pyrazine
- Dinuclear and Tetranuclear Copper(II) Complexes with a Ligand Bearing Phthalocyanine and Schiff-Base Coordination Sites
- Synthesis and Characterization of Polynuclear Chain and Tetranuclear Complexes of Mixed-Valent Ruthenium(II, III) Pivalate with N, N'-Didentate Ligands
- Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of a Planar Binuclear Copper(II) Phthalocyanine Complex
- Preparation and Properties of Tetra- and Octa-substituted Phthalocyanines with Cationic Trimethylaniliniumyl Groups
- Polymer and "Trimer-of-Dimers" Complexes Derived from [Rh_2(form)_4] (form^-=N, N'-Di-p-tolylformamidinate anion) and 1, 4-Diisocyanobenzene
- Syntheses and Magnetic Properties of Ruthenium(II, III) Pivalate Dimers Axially Coordinated by Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals [Ru_2(O_2CCMe_3)_4-(L)_2]BF_4 and [{Ru_2(O_2CCMe_3)_4(L)_2}{Ru_2(O_2CCMe_3)_4(H_2O)_2}]_n(BF_4)_, L=2, 4, 4, 5, 5-Pentamethyl-4,
- Syntheses and Magnetic Properties of Ruthenium(II,III) Pivalate Dimers Axially Coordinated by Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals [Ru2(O2CCMe3)4-(L)2]BF4 and [{Ru2(O2CCMe3)4(L)2}{Ru2(O2CCMe3)4(H2O)2}]n(BF4)2n, L=2,4,4,5,5-Pentamethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-1-oxy
- Molecular-assembled Complexes of Mixed-valent Ruthenium Dimer with Hexacyanoferrate(III) and Hexacyanocobaltate(III) Ions
- Photocatalytic Activity of Phthalocyaninatozinc(II) Bearing Dendritic Subsituents at α Positions in Aerated Dimethyl Sulfoxide
- Unusual Absorption Spectra Found for Some Phthalocyaninatozinc(II) Complexes Bearing Dendritic Substituents at α Positions
- Structure and Magnetic Properth of Ru(II,III) Dimer Axially Coordinated by the Niroxide Radical and Water [Ru_2(O_2CCMe_3)_4(nitph)(H_2O)]BF_4,nitph = 2-Phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazolyl-1-oxyl 3-N-oxide
- Structure and Magnetic Property of a Macrocyclic Tetranuclear Copper(II) Complex with Phenoxo- and Hydroxo-Bridges and Large and Small Cu-O-Cu Angles
- Structures and Magnetic Properties of Ruthenium(II, III) Pivalate Cation Dimers Axially Coordinated by Pyridyl Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals through Their Pyridyl Nitrogen Atoms
- Phthalocyanines Obtained from Phthalonitriles with Phenyl Derivatives: A New Method for the Synthesis of the Phthalonitriles by Use of Suzuki - Coupling Reaction
- Kinetic Study on the Oxidation of Trichlorophenol Using Hydrogen Peroxide and an Iron(III) Complex of Tetrasulfonatophthalocyanine Catalyst
- 環境低負荷型トイレの現状と課題
- Structure and Some Properties of (Alkoxo)(subphthalocyaninato)boron(III)
- A New "Dimer-of-Dimers" Complex Derived from Axial Coordination of 7, 7, 8, 8-Tetracyanoquinodimethane to Ru(II, III)Cation Dimer
- Chain Compound of Mixed - Valent Ruthenium Dimers Linked by Hydrogen - Bonding between the Axially Coordinated Nitronyl Nitroxide and Water Molecules
- Microporous Structure of a Chain Compound of Copper(II) Benzoate Bridged by Pyrazine
- Chain Compounds of Molybdenum(II) Trifluoroacetate Linked by p-Quinones [Mo_2(O_2CCF_3)_4(p-quin)]_n, p-quin = 9,10-anthraquinone, 2,6-dimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, and 1,4-naphthoquinone
- Ferromagnetic Chain Complex of Ruthenium (II, III) Pivalate with Pyridy Nitronyl Nitroxide
- Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Chain Complex with Alternating Ru(II,III) Dimer and Nitroxide Radical Arrangement [Ru_2(O_2CCMe_3)_4(nitph)]_n(BF_4)_n, nitph = 2-Phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-1-oxyl 3-N-Oxide
- Photoreduction of Hydrogencarbonate or Ethylene Catalyzed by Trisodium Trisulfonatophthalocyaninatozincate(II)
- Preparation and Some Properties of One Structural Isomer of Tetra-Substituted Phthalocyanine; 1, 8, 15, 22-Tetrakis(pentan-3'-yloxy)phthalocyanine and Its Metal(II) Complexes^
- Synthesis and Characterization of Thiolato-Bridged Trinuclear Heterometal Complexes with 2-[(3-Aminopropyl)amino]ethanethiol
- Chain Compounds of Rhodium(II) Trifluoroacetate Linked by p-Quinone Rh_2(O_2CCF_3)_4(p-Q)]_n, p-Q=1, 4-Benzoquinone, 1, 4-Naphthoquinone, and 2, 3-Dimethy1-1, 4-benzoquinone
- A Chain Complex of Ruthenium (II, III) Cation Dimer Linked by a Nitroxide Radical, [Ru_2 (O_2CCMe_3) _4 (NITPh)] _n (BF_4) _n (NITPh=2-Phenyl-4, 4, 5, 5-tetramethyl-4, 5-dihydro-1H-imidazolyl-1-oxy-3-oxide)
- Chain and Discrete Dimer Complexes of Molybdenum(II) Trifluoroacetate Axially Coordinated by p-Quinones, [Mo_2(O_2CCF_3)_4(2,6-Me-BQ]_n(2,6-Me-BQ=2,6-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone)and [Mo_2(O_2CCF_3)_4(2,6-t-Bu-BQ)_2 (2,6-t-Bu-BQ=2,6-di-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone)
- Linear Chain Compounds of Molybdenum(II) Acetate Linked by Phyrazine, 4,4'-Bipyridine, and 1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane
- Chain Compounds Formed by the Reaction of Copper(II) Carboxylate [Cu_2(O_2CR)_4] (R = C(CH_3)_3CCl_3 and Bridging Ligand L (L = Pyrazine, 4,4'-Bipyridine, and 1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane)
- Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Nitroxide Diruthenium(II,III) Complex, [Ru_2(O_2CCMe_3)_4(tempo)_2] {Ru_2(O_2CCMe_3)_4(H_2O)_2](BF_4)_2(tempo=2,2,6,6,-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl)
- Syntheses and Structural Characterization of Dinuclear and Trinuclear Iron(II) Complexes of Tridentate Thiolic Ligands with an NNS Donor Set
- Structure and Properties of a Compound Formed by the Reaction of Molybdenum(II) Trifluoroacetate with 4,4'-Bipyridine
- 水中有機塩素化合物の低エネルギー超音波分解速度に対する添加遷移金属粉末と超音波周波数の影響
- 二元金属触媒を用いたカーボンナノチューブの合成
- リードスイッチの概念から生まれた新規化学反応器 : PACTケミカルリアクタについて
- リードスイッチの概念から生まれた新規化学反応器 : PACTケミカルリアクタについて
- 大気圧近傍のグロー放電における放電輝点の大きさの推定
- 「触媒・プラズマ・リアクタ素子」のNOx・COx分解特性について
- リードスイッチを用いた触媒・プラズマ・リアクタ素子の研究 NO_x系ガスについての検討(その5)
- リードスイッチを用いた触媒・プラズマ・リアクタ素子の研究 : NOx系ガスについての検討(その4)
- リードスイッチを用いた触媒・プラズマ・リアクタ素子の研究NO_x系ガスについての検討(その3)
- リードスイッチを用いた触媒・プラズマ・リアクタ素子の研究 : NOx系ガスについての検討(その2)
- 超音波で誘起される化学反応
- 超音波による磁性酸化鉄ナノ粒子の調製(ソノケミストリー,超音波キャビテーションの科学と応用論文特集)
- アルコール・スチームリフォーミング反応におけるCu/Al2O3系触媒の助触媒効果
- 平板状スーパー活性炭/伝熱板一体型吸着器で構成されるエタノール系吸着ヒートポンプの冷熱生成特性
- 超音波還元法による貴金属・磁性体ナノコンポジットの調製 (特集 ソノケミストリーの最新動向(1))
- Ca(OH)_2/H_2O/CaO反応系を用いる電力貯蔵型化学蓄熱器の蓄・放熱に関する実験的検討
- Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Silapericyclynes
- Photolysis of anti-Dodecaalkyltricyclo[^]octasilane : Generation and Reactions of Cyclotetrasilene
- Silapericyclyne, (Ph_2SiC≡C)_6: Spontaneous Conformational Resolution of Boat-and Chair-'Exploded' Cyclohexane
- Synthesis and Molecular Structures of Novel Isopropyl-substituted Oligosilanes
- 超音波の化学作用を利用した水溶液中における炭素侵入型パラジウムナノ粒子の調製
- 超音波を用いた低温オゾン分解触媒の開発 (特集/注目される触媒開発技術の話題)
- A17 超音波還元法で調製したパラジウムナノ粒子からなる水素透過薄膜の作製と評価(口頭発表)
- P17 超音波/逆沈殿法による超常磁性酸化鉄ナノ粒子の調製(ポスター発表)
- A11 超音波によるTiO_2上へのPtナノ粒子の固定化および光触媒反応による水素製造
- P28 超音波によるオゾン分解触媒の調製と評価