Frequency of Facial Angiofibromas in Japanese Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Nishio Shin-ichi
Department of Aging Medicine and Geriatrics, Shinshu University, Graduate School of Medicine
Hashizume Kiyoshi
Department of Aging Medicine and Geriatrics, Shinshu University, Graduate School of Medicine
Nishio Shin-ichi
信州大学 医学研究科加齢病態制御学
Hashizume K
信州大学 医学系研究科加齢適応医科学系専攻
Nishio Shin-ichi
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University
Department of Aging Medicine and Geriatrics, Shinshu University
Department of Dermatology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
IKEO Yasuto
Department of Aging Medicine and Geriatrics, Shinshu University
Department of Aging Medicine and Geriatrics, Shinshu University
Department of Dermatology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Hokushin General Hospital
SAIDA Toshiaki
Department of Dermatology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Arakura Fuyuko
Department Of Dermatology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Ikeo Y
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ikeo Yasuto
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Kakizawa Tomoko
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University
Sakurai A
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sakurai Akihiro
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Saida T
Shinshu Univ. School Of Medicine Nagano
Saida Toshiaki
Department Of Dermatology Research Center On Aging And Adaptation
Hashizume K
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hashizume Kiyoshi
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hashizume Kiyoshi
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Hashizume Kiyoshi
Department Of Geriatrics Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Hiramatsu Kunihide
Department Of Geriatrics Endocrinology And Metabolism Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Ikeo Yasuto
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sugenoya A
Departments Of Surgery Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Matsumoto Kazuhiko
Department Of Dermatology School Of Medicine Shinshu University
Kakizawa Tomoko
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Institute On Aging And Adaptation Shinshu University Gra
Hashizume Kiyoshi
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Institute On Aging And Adaptation Shinshu University Gra
Matsumoto Kazuhiko
Department Of Dermatology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Hashizume Kiyoshi
Department of Aging and Geriatrics, Shinshu University, Graduate School of Medicine
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