Stoichiometry Splitting of β Phase in Ni-Al-Mn, Ni-Al-Co and Ni-Al-Fe Ternary Systems
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2001-03-20
三島 良直
MISHIMA Yoshinao
Department of Materials Science and Engineerneering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science an
Mishima Yoshinao
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Eng
Tan Y
Department Of Materials Engineering Dalian University Of Technology
Department of Materials Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
SHINODA Tetsumori
Advanced Material R&D Center, Meisei University
Kochi University of Technology
Tan Yi
Department Of Materials Engineering Dalian University Of Technology
三島 良直
東京工業大学大学院 総合理工学研究科
Shinoda Tetsumori
Advanced Material R&d Center Meisei University
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