Solidification Process and Mechanical Behavior of the Nb/Nb_5Si_3 Two Phase Alloys in the Nb-Ti-Si System
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2004-12-20
三浦 城司
KIMURA Yoshisato
Department of Materials Science and Engineerneering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science an
MISHIMA Yoshinao
Department of Materials Science and Engineerneering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science an
Kimura Yoshisato
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
SEKIDO Nobuaki
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Hokkaido University
Miura Seiji
Division Of Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University
三浦 誠司
三浦 誠司
Sekido Nobuaki
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
三浦 誠司
Mishima Yoshinao
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Eng
Miura S
Division Of Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University
三浦 誠司
Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido Univ.
Miura S
Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University
三浦 誠司
北大 大学院 工学研究科
三浦 誠司
東京工大 精密工研
Miura Seiji
Materials And Process Design Division Of Materials Science And Engineering Hokkaido University
Miura Seiji
Division Of Materials Science And Engineering Hokkaido University
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