KUBO Katsuyoshi
Japan Livestock Technology Association
Blood Horse Training Center, JRA Foundation
Amada Akio
Blood Horse Training Center
YAMAYA Yoshiki
Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Yamaya Yoshiki
Laboratory Of Veteriary Surgery College Of Bioresourse Sciences Nihon University
Yamaya Yoshiki
Laboratory Of Veterinary Surgery College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
久保 勝義
Japan Livestock Technology Association
山谷 吉樹
Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
天田 明男
Blood Horse Training Center
- 太平洋戦争中の東京都の猛獣処分に関連するアジアゾウの遺体について
- モウコノウマ(Equus przewalskii)耳管憩室(喉嚢)のCTスキャナーによる検討
- MRI断層撮影によるオオカミの咀嚼筋、特に側頭筋の機能形態学的検討
- 馬における酢酸フレカイニドの適正投与量および心房細動に対する有効性の検討
- Effects of Exercise on Density and Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Normal and Splenectomized Thoroughbred Horses
- Effects of Splenectomy for Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- Effects of Splenic Erythrocytes and Blood Lactate Levels on Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- 第2度房室ブロックを有するウマの固有の房室伝導機能
- 競走馬の調教運動時における心臓突然死の病理学的および心電図学的検索
- 尿道内圧低下を示した犬の異所性尿管4例(短報)
- トレ-ニング強度の違いが若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- 騎乗馴致が若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- 心房ペ-シング馬における房室伝導能と血行動態との関連性について
- Malignant Transformation of T-cell Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia in a Dog
- Effects of DDAVP Administrated Subcutaneously in Dogs with Aspirin-induced Platelet Dysfunction and Hemostatic Impairment due to Chronic Liver Diseases.
- Measurement of Erythrocyte Volumes in Splenectomized Horses and Sham-Operated Horses at Rest and during Maximal Exercise.
- Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid and Serum Canine Surfactant Protein A Concentrations in Dogs with Chronic Cough by Bronchial and Interstitial Lung Diseases
- Safe and Efficacious Dosage of Flecainide Acetate for Treating Equine Atrial Fibrillation.