Synthesis and Metal-Binding Properties of Novel "Fullerenocrowns"
Ikeda Atsushi
Department of Cardiology, Nihon University Surugadai Hospital
新海 征治
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University
Shinkai Seiji
Department Of Chemistry & Biochemistry Kyushu University
Ikeda A
Nara Inst. Sci. And Technol. Nara
Shinkai Seiji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Ikeda Atsushi
Department Of Cardiology Kurashiki Central Hospital
新海 征治
Nanotechnology Laboratory Institute Of Systems Information Technologies And Nanotechnologies (isit)
Department of Chemical Science & Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Fukuhara Chie
Department Of Chemical Science & Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
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