Light Regulated Transcription in Higher Plants
Chua Nam-hai
Laboratory Of Plant Molecular Biology The Rockefeller Universit
Hiratsuka Kazuyuki
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
- Tissue-specific and DNA damage-responsive expression of the Arabidopsis RAD51 gene promoter in transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco
- A Null Mutation in a bZIP Factor Confers ABA-Insensitivity in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Characterization of a Novel GT-box Binding Protein from Arabidopsis
- Regulation of Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana by Artificial Zinc Finger Chimeras
- Bioluminescence reporter assay system to monitor Arabidopsis MPK3 gene expression in response to infection by Botrytis cinerea
- Transient Assay System for the Analysis of PR-1a Gene Promoter in Tobacco BY-2 Cells
- Characterization of the EMCV-IRES Mediated Bicistronic Translation in Plant Cells
- Dual Luciferase Assay for Monitoring Transient Gene Expression in Higher Plants
- A high-throughput evaluation system for Arabidopsis mutants for defense signaling
- Isolation of a Promoter that Directs Microsporogenesis-Associated Gene Expression in Lilium longiflorum
- Characterization of a Meiosis - Associated Heat Shock Protein 70
- Two Cap-Binding Proteins CBP20 and CBP80 are Involved in Processing Primary MicroRNAs
- Preferential and Asymmetrical Accumulation of a Rac Small GTPase mRNA in Differentiating Xylem Cells of Zinnia elegans
- A Novel Glycine-Rich Protein is Associated with Starch Grain Accumulation during Anther Development
- Expression and subcellular localization of pre-rRNA processing factor homologues in higher plants
- Large-scale Sequencing of Meiosis-associated Genes from a cDNA Library of Lily Microsporocytes
- Fertility Investigation in F1 Hybrid and Backcross Progeny of Cattle (Bos taurus) and Yak (B. gruniens) in Mongolia. : II. Little variation in gene products studied in male sterile and fertile animals.
- Multi-color luciferases as reporters for monitoring transient gene expression in higher plants
- The ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION 2 gene in Arabidopsis Regulates CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 1 at the Transcriptional Level and Controls Cotyledon Development
- Bioluminescence spectra of click beetle luciferases in higher plant cells
- The Phytochrome A Specific Signaling Component PAT3 is a Positive Regulator of Arabidopsis Photomorphogenesis
- Visualization of Peroxisomes in Living Plant Cells Reveals Acto-Myosin-Dependent Cytoplasmic Streaming and Peroxisome Budding
- Non-destructive bioluminescence detection system for monitoring defense gene expression in tobacco BY-2 cells
- In vivo bioluminescence monitoring of defense gene expression in response to treatment with yeast cell wall extract
- Evaluation of the Use of the Tobacco PR-1a Promoter to Monitor Defense Gene Expression by the Luciferase Bioluminescence Reporter System
- Light Regulated Transcription in Higher Plants
- Characterization of the Arabidopsis Formin-Like Protein AFH1 and Its Interacting Protein
- Non-destructive bioluminescence detection system for monitoring defense gene expression in tobacco BY-2 cells
- Bioluminescence spectra of click beetle luciferases in higher plant cells
- Evaluation of the Use of the Tobacco PR-1α Promoter to Monitor Defense Gene Expression by the Luciferase Bioluminescence Reporter System
- In vivo bioluminescence monitoring of defense gene expression in response to treatment with yeast cell wall extract
- Novel intron-containing luciferase genes for quantitative analysis of mRNA levels in transient gene expression assays
- Development of a promoter-luciferase-based high-throughput system to monitor jasmonate-mediated defense gene expression
- Circadian Clock Regulates Dynamic Chromatin Modifications Associated with Arabidopsis CCA1/LHY and TOC1 Transcriptional Rhythms