Univ. Tokyo Tokyo | 論文
- Measurement of Electron Cyclotron Emission from the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Ideal Ballooning Modes in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- End-loss Ion Analysis Using an End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer in the Tandem Mirror
- On the Electrostatic Potential Profile Determined from Ion Endloss Spectrum
- Monotonic Electrostatic Potential Profile around Plug Region of a Tandem Mirror
- New Type of End-Loss Energy Component Analyzer and Velocity Distribution Function of End-Loss Ions in Tandem Mirror
- Electron Confining Potential When the Electrons Have Finite Axial Loss Time
- Electrostatic Potential in the Endcells of a Tandem Mirror under Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating
- Fattiviracin A1, a Novel Antiviral Agent Produced by Streptomyces microflavus Strain No. 2445 II. Biological Properties
- High-Pressure Mossbauer and X-Ray Powder Diffraction Studies of SrFeO_3(Condensed Matter : Electric Structure, Electical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Charge Disproportionation and Magnetic Order of CaFeO_3 under High Pressure up to 65 Gpa : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Light-Cone Effect on Clustering Statistics in Cosmological Redshift Space
- Deciphering Cosmological Information from Redshift Surveys of High-z Objects : The Cosmological Light-Cone Effect and Redshift-Space Distortion
- Anomalous Electron-LO Phonon Interaction in Cyclotron Resonance of Polarons in the Mixed AgCl_xBr_ System
- Novel Temperature Dependence of Photoconductivity in New Semiconductor Bi_2O_3;M^
- Superconductive-Conjugate Photoconductivity in Host Insulators of the Y_-Ba_x-Cu_3-O_z System
- An Observation of Quantized Series of Step or Clew Temperatures in Superconductive-Conjugate Photoconductivity of Cu_2O
- Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Cyclotron Resonance of Positive Holes and Electrons in Cu_2O
- Dielectric Anomalies and Photoconductibity in Host Insulator Cu_2O Correlative with High-T_c Superconductivity
- Hall Mobility of Positive Holes in Cu_2O