Shizuoka Institute Of Science And Technology | 論文
- Gas Evaporation of Zn by Means of the Top-Heating Vertical Furnace
- Effects of solutal convection on the dissolution of GaSb into InSb melt and solute transport mechanism in InGaSb solution: Numerical simulations and in-situ observation experiments
- Modeling, Control System Design and Control Technologies of Dimension and Microstructure in Bar and Wire Rod Rolling
- 恒常法による等ラウドネスレベルの測定 : 自由音場における純音の等ラウドネスレベル曲線(II)
- 自由音場における純音の最小可聴値
- 等ラウドネスレベル曲線の見なおしについて (音響分野における計測法を巡って)
- 音響計測用ミニコンピュ-タシステム (音響精密計測特集-2-コンピュ-タ利用計測システム)
- Neel Temperature of α-Manganese Alloys with Nonmagnetic Impurities
- English Acquisition through NLP
- Teaching Spelling with NLP
- Scissors Mode as a Possible Consequence of the Recoil Term
- Temperature Variation of Magnetic Moments in α-Mn(Sn)
- Resistivity Minima in β-Mn (Sn) Alloys
- Distribution Function of Electric Field Gradient Obtained by Mossbauer Spectroscopy
- Hyperfine Field Distributions of RKKY Spin Glasses Observes by ^Sn Mossbauer Spectroscopy
- 25pYJ-1 EXAFS study of the atomic displacements in Ba_xSr_Tio_3
- Indirect Observation of Inner Domain Structure in Nd_2Fe_B Sintered Magnets
- P36: Effects of Initial Microstructure and Microstructure Changes During Deformation on the Superplasticity of β-Type Titanium Alloy(SHORT ORAL PRESENTATION FOR POSTERS II)
- Effect of Temperature Gradient on InGaAs Crystal Growth and Its Numerical Analysis
- P2-35 VO_2, HR and RPE in walking with poles on the level and along a downward slope(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)