Shizuoka Institute Of Science And Technology | 論文
- Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study of α-Mn(Sn) Alloys
- 1016 積層形 PZT アクチュエータを利用した触覚呈示装置
- Considering the feasibility of TBLT based on "Focus on Form" approach in the Japanese English classroom(The Application of Contemporary Language Theories to Higher English Education: Focusing on the Importance of Content-based and Context-based Approaches
- Internal Field Distributions at Fe and Sn Sites in Au(Fe):Sn and Au(CrFe):Sn Spin Glass Systems
- F-3-5 A Study of Velvet Hand Illusion Using Psychophysical Experiment
- F-3-4 A Study of Tactile Stochastic Resonance Using Psychophysical Experiments
- Simulations of an Optical Tactile Sensor Based on Computer Tomography
- The dissolution process of Si into Ge melt and SiGe growth mechanism by X-ray penetration method
- The dissolution process of Si into Ge melt and SiGe growth mechanism by X-ray penetration method
- 139 光学式触覚センサに適する CT アルゴリズムに関する研究
- 1005 離散形 CT アルゴリズムを原理をとする触覚センサ
- The dissolution process of Si into Ge melt and SiGe growth mechanism by X-ray penetration method
- Black Tea High-Molecular-Weight Polyphenol Increases the Motility of Sea Urchin Sperm by Activating Mitochondrial Respiration
- Reading the brain : neuroscience based perspectives on reading(The Application of Contemporary Language Theories to Higher English Education: Focusing on the Importance of Content-based and Context-based Approaches)
- Considering the Effects of Interaction on English Learning in the Japanese English Classroom(Collaboration and Relativization in English Language Education)