Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University | 論文
- Global and local visual processing by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)(Summary of Awarded Presentation at the 25th Annual Meeting)
- 乳蛋白変異を用いたネパールのヤク,牛,雑種に関する集団遺伝学的研究
- Preliminary Study of Feeding Competition Between Baboons and Chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
- 屋久島(野外研究サイトから(19))
- 馬のtransferrin型およびesterase型の分類
- ザイール共和国カフジ・ビエガ国立公園におけるゴリラとチンパンジーの遊動様式と食物樹の分布密度
- Female transfer between one-male groups of proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
- かたり合う動物達 (話す仕組みを巡って : 発話機構研究の最前線)
- Scanning Electron Microscopy of Mamalian Spermatozoa
- Inefficient use of inverted pendulum mechanism during quadrupedal walking in the Japanese macaque
- Palmar Dermatoglyphics of Japanese Macaques,Macaca fuscata,in the Kyushu and Tohoku District,Japan (Morphology of the Japanese Macaque)
- mtDNA variation and human-mediated introgression of indigenous Sus populations on several Indonesian islands
- The Flora of Bossou: Its Utilization by Chimpanzees and Humans
- Preliminary Report on Histological Characteristics of Male Reproductive Organs in Senile Japanese Macaques (Morphology of the Japanese Macaque)
- ニホンザル野外観察施設(III.研究活動)
- Morphological and molecular phylogenetic characteristics of dwarf Sus specimens from the Noguni shell middens in the Ryukyu Islands
- 多様性保全研究分野(III.研究活動)
- 多様性保全研究分野(III.研究活動)
- A novel composite retrotransposon derived from or generated independently of the SVA (SINE/VNTR/Alu) transposon has undergone proliferation in gibbon genomes
- EFFECTS OF THYROIDECTOMY ON SEASONAL BREEDING OF JAPANESE MONKEYS(Endocrinology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan