The Flora of Bossou: Its Utilization by Chimpanzees and Humans
- 論文の詳細を見る
Altogether 664 plant species from 392 genera have been identified and listed as the flora of Bossou, in the south-eastern corner of the Republic of Guinea. Previously, Bossou must have been covered with a primary and mature forest. However, due to destruction of forest, 60% of the 265 tree species identified were small trees of less than 10 m in height with 55% found mostly in secondary forest. Chimpanzees use 246 items (parts of plants) from 200 different plant species for food, but people use only 83 items from 76 species for food. A characteristic feature of human plant use is as traditional medicine, representing 113 items from 81 species. People also use particular species of plants as material for house construction, furniture and other purposes in order to make human life more convenient and comfortable.
- 京都大学の論文
Kyoto University
Yukimaru Sugiyama
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Jeremy KOMAN
Laboratoire Monts Nimba
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
KOMAN Jeremy
Laboratoire Monts Nimba
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- The Flora of Bossou: Its Utilization by Chimpanzees and Humans
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