Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo | 論文
- p-Aminomethylphenyl Isopentyl Ketoneのポーラログラフィー
- Studies on Chemotherapeutics for Acid-fast Bacilli. VII. : Further Studies on p-Aminophenyl- and p-Aminomethylphenyl Alkyl Sulfones and Related Compounds.
- 6-フォルミルベンゾジオキサンの合成
- Infrared Spectra of Some Indole and Pyrrole Compounds
- Syntheses of Alkylphenanthrenes. I.
- Phytochemical Investigation on Cultivation of Medicinal Plants. XIV. On the Alkaloid Biogenesis in Ephedra. (4).
- Phytochemical Investigation on Cultivation of Medicinal Plants. XII. On the Alkaloid Biogenesis in Ephedra. (3).
- 薬用植物栽培の植物化学的研究(第10報)麻黄のアルカロイド生合成について
- Phytochemical Investigation on Cultivation of Medicinal Plants. VII. : On the Alkaloid Biogenesis in Ephedra. (1).
- 地衣成分及び関連化合物の抗菌性(第4報) : ジベンゾフラン誘導体の合成と抗菌性 その2
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. II. : Metabolic Products of Aspergillus amstelodami (Mangin) Thom et Church.
- Antibacterial Effect of Lichen Substances and Related Compounds. VI. Dibenzothiophene, Fluorene, and Carbazole Derivatives.
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第5報)Skyrinの構造について その1
- Polarisation der heterozyklischen Ringe mit aromatischem Charakter. CXVIII. Uber das 4-Hydroxyaminochinolin-N-oxyd.
- 唾液腺ホルモンの研究-23-
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XII. The Identification of Flavomycelin and Luteoskyrin.
- The Synthesis of 8-Substituted Purine Derivatives. II. Some 8-Substituted 6-Mercaptopurines.
- 1,2-テトラメチレン-3,4-ジヒドロ-β-カルボリンの合成
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第10報)Rubroskyrinの構造とそのLuteoskyrinの構造との関係
- Bemerkung zur Nitrierung des 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisochinolins und seiner Derivate.