Otsuchi Marine Research Center Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- 相模湾および周辺海域に来遊する海産哺乳類
- 奄美大島近海における鯨類の記録
- なぜマイルカ科のくちばしは長くなったのか? (特集 いまさら聞けない海棲哺乳類の素朴な疑問に答えます!(Part 2))
- 日本の太平洋沿岸産スジイルカの捕獲
- 紀伊半島沿岸における鯨類の捕獲記録
- 日本近海における小型ハクジラ類の個体群構造
- クジラの潜水行動を調査する
- 黒潮・親潮移行域における小型ハクジラ類の分布と回遊 (総特集 黒潮親潮移行域の物理・生物・化学過程) -- (4章 黒潮親潮移行域の高次生物生産)
- バイカルアザラシ(Phoca sibirica)の咀嚼筋に関する機能形態学的検討
- Influenza virus infection in seal (Phocidae) : seroepidemiological survey of influenza virus in Caspian seals(Phoca caspica)
- Serological Evidence of Transmission of Human Influenza A and B Viruses to Caspian Seals (Phoca caspica)
- Study on diving behavior of sperm whales using suction cup attached TDR tag: an overview
- Effect of Aquaculture on Material Cycles in Otsuchi Bay, Japan
- Migratory history and habitat use by New Zealand freshwater eels Anguilla dieffenbachii and A. australis, as revealed by otolith microchemistry
- Measurement of total mercury concentration in the water source pool of public drink water installations around Manado City, north Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Environmental history of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica collected in Miyako Bay, northeastern Japan
- Bioavailability and effects of tributyltin in the caprellid amphipod, Caprella danilevskii: A review
- Occurrence of sea eels of Anguilla japonica along the Sanriku Coast of Japan
- Immunolocalization of gastrolith matrix protein (GAMP) in the gastroliths and exoskeleton of crayfish, Procambarus clarkii
- Cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding an insoluble matrix protein in the gastroliths of a crayfish, Procambarus clarkii