Ntt Wireless Systems Laboratories | 論文
- Ultrahigh-Speed InP/InGaAs DHBTs with Very High Current Density(Heterostructure Microelectronics with TWHM2003)
- Monolithic integration of UTC-PDs and InP HBTs using Be ion implantation
- Direct Optical Injection Locking of a 100-GHz-Class Oscillator IC Using a Back-Illuminated InP/InGaAs HPT and Its Applications(MWP Devices)(Special Issue on Recent Progress in Microwave and Millimeter-wave Photonics Technologies)
- Growth, Design and Performance of InP-Based Heterostructure Bipolar Transistors
- Lateral Scaling Investigation on DC and RF Performances of InP/InGaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
- A Novel Coherent Preambleless Demodulator Employing Sequential Processing for PSK Packet Signals : AFC and Carrier Recovery Circuits
- A Fast Synchronization Scheme of OFDM Signals for High-Rate Wireless LAN
- Nomadic Computing Environment Employing Wired and Wireless Networks(Special Issue on Multimedia Communications in Heterogeneous Network Environments)
- A Multi-Slot Access Protocol for TDMA-TDD Packet Radio Channel - Application to PHS Packet Data System -
- Performance Evaluation of a Packet Channel Sharing Protocol for Dynamic Channel Assignment Systems
- Design of a K-Band Power Amplifier Using On-Wafer-Tuning Load-Pull Method(Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Module Technology)
- A New Very High-Rate Wireless LAN System Employing OFDM and MC/CDMA Signals(Wireless LAN)(Mobile Multimedia Communications)
- A New Vector Error Measurement Scheme for Transmit Modulation Accuracy of OFDM Systems (Special Issue on Multimedia Mobile Communication Systems)
- Over-100-Gbit/s Multiplexing Operation of InP DHBT Selector IC Designed with High Collector-Current Density
- Design and Performance of a New OQPSK Coherent Demodulator Using an Advanced Simultaneous Carrier and Bit-Timing Recovery Scheme : Application to Wireless ATM Systems (Special Section on Mutli-dimensional Mobile Information Network)
- Reliable Multicast Protocol with a Representative Acknowledgment Scheme for Wireless Systems(Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia Communications)
- A Maximal Ratio Combining Frequency Diversity ARQ Scheme for High-Speed OFDM Systems (Special Issue on Multimedia Mobile Communication Systems)
- An FFT Interference Detection Scheme for Interference Suppression in Digital Satellite Communication Systems
- An Integrated Interference Suppression Scheme with An Adaptive Equalizer for Digital Satellite Communication Systems
- A Novel Broad-Band MMIC VCO Using an Active Inductor (Srecial Section on Analong Circuit Tectningues in the Digital-oriented Era)