Ntt Wireless Systems Laboratories | 論文
- Performance Evaluation of Mesh Network using Multi Frequency Bands
- Enhancement of Mesh Network Oriented IEEE802.11 MAC Protocol
- Performance Evaluation of Mesh Network using Multi Frequency Bands
- Enhancement of Mesh Network Oriented IEEE802.11 MAC Protocol
- B-5-250 Fairness Improvement by Enhanced IEEE802.11 MAC Protocol in Wireless Mesh Network
- B-5-249 Enhancement of Mesh Network Oriented IEEE802.11 MAC Protocol
- Multi-Interface Oriented Radio Metric On-demand Routing Protocol for Layer-2 Mesh Networks
- Performance Evaluations of Communication Systems Employing Stratospheric Aircrafts and LEO Satellites (Special Issue on the Latest Development of Telecommunication Research)
- Retransmission Control Scheme for TCP Packet Radio Systems
- Characteristics of Video Communication System in Mobile Radio Channel (Special Issue on Mobile Computing)
- A Study on Reducing Transmission Delay in Mobile Video Communication Systems (Special Section on Mutli-dimensional Mobile Information Network)
- Reverse Modulation Carrier Recovery for Offset QPSK Burst Signals
- A 24-Gsps 3-Bit Nyquist ADC Using InP HBTs for DSP-Based Electronic Dispersion Compensation(Optical)
- A Channel Equalization Technique on a Time Division Duplex CDMA/TDMA System for Wireless Multimedia Networks
- A Transmission Power Control Technique on a TDD-CDMA/TDMA System for Wireless Multimedia Networks
- A Wireless Multimedia Network on a Time Division Duplex CDMA/TDMA
- Semi-Autonomous Synchronization among Base Stations for TDMA-TDD Communication Systems (Special Issue on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications)
- A Suitable Combination of Modulation and FEC Schemes for Satellite Digital Video Communication Networks (Special Issue on Satellite Communications Networking and Applications)
- A Frequency Utilization Efficiency Improvement on Superposed SSMA-QPSK Signal Transmission over High Speed QPSK Signals in Nonlinear Channels (Special Issue on Satellite Communications Networking and Applications)
- DC Characteristics of InP HBTs under High-Temperature and Bias Stress