National institute of polar research | 論文
- SARES (Saroma-Resolute Studies) プロジェクトにおける1992年2月ー3月のサロマ湖の生物学的観測資料 (英文)
- スバールバル・ニーオルスンの高緯度北極ツンドラ生態系の炭素固定における維管束植物優占種の光合成特性とバイオマス分布の役割
- Zooplankton Atlas of the Southern Ocean: The SCAR SO-CPR Survey (1991-2008)
- Comparison of zooplankton distribution patterns between four seasons in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean
- 2003-2005年度の南アメリカ北パタゴニア氷原エクスプロラドーレス氷河および南パタゴニア氷原ペリート・モレーノ氷河における雪氷・地形調査
- Simultaneous ground-based and satellite observations of natural VLF waves in Antarctica: A case study of downward ionospheric penetration of whistler-mode waves
- Fluctuations in the flow velocity of the Antarctic Shirase Glacier over an 11-year period
- Comparative analysis of photosynthetic properties in ice algae and phytoplankton inhabiting Franklin Bay, the Canadian Arctic, with those in mesophilic diatoms during CASES 03-04
- Constituent elements of insoluble and non-volatile particles during the Last Glacial Maximum exhibited in the Dome Fuji (Antarctica) ice core
- Analyses of Ice Core Data from Various Sites in Svalbard Glaciers from 1987 to 1999
- Laboratory experiments and thermal calculations for the development of a next-generation glacier-ice exploration system: Development of an electro-thermal drilling device
- ロシア・アルタイ山脈ソフィスキー氷河におけるアルカン類の濃度、沈着量、発生源変動
- Periodicities of palaeo-climatic records extracted from the Dome Fuji deep core
- 24pQC-3 南極氷床コアに記録された宇宙線生成核種^36Clの解析(シンポジウム 宇宙線と地球環境・生命科学放射線・量子ビーム科学のフロンティア,領域1,原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理)
- On the response of the neutral temperature at 78°N and 90 km altitude to solar proton events
- Data of Project on Atmospheric Circulation and Material Cycle in the Antarctic, Part 3. Backscattering Properties of Tropospheric Clouds and Aerosols Observed by a Lidar at Dome Fuji Station in 1997
- Meteorological characteristics of Antarctic inland station, Dome Fuji (scientific paper)
- Number-size distributions of atmospheric aerosol particles (10
- A role of advanced image data logger systems in marine animal studies
- Reproductive phenology of subalpine moss, Polytrichum ohioense Ren. et Card.