National institute of polar research | 論文
- 非平衡統計物理学の舞台としてのメゾスコピック系(第5回『非平衡系の統計物理』シンポジウム,研究会報告)
- Distribution of chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature in the marginal ice zone (20°E-60°E) in East Antarctica determined using satellite multi-sensor remote sensing during austral summer
- Arctic experiment for ICESat/GLAS ground validation with a Micro-Pulse Lidar at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard
- Statistics of Antarctic surface meteorology based on hourly data in 1957-2007 at Syowa Station
- チリ・北パタゴニア氷原のエクスプロラドーレス氷河における最近の氷河前進期
- Development of airglow temperature photometers with cooled-CCD detectors
- Physical properties of the Dome Fuji deep ice core
- Surface meteorological data during oversnow traverses (Glaciological Data Collected by the 39th and 40th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1998-2000)
- Net accumulation of snow (Glaciological Data Collected by the 39th and 40th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1998-2000)
- Online of field observations during 1998-2000(Glaciological Data Collected by the 39th and 40th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1998-2000)
- Position(Glaciological Data Collected by the 39th and 40th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1998-2000)
- EXOS-D 搭載磁力計で観測された 3 月 13 日大磁気嵐中の沿磁力線電流分布
- あけぼの衛星による沿磁力線電流の観測
- ローガン山のキング・コルにおける2002年の氷コア掘削
- Glaciological Data Collected by the 45th, 46th and 47th Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions during 2004 - 2007
- 改良型氷床深層掘削ドリルの総合実験報告-2002年北海道陸別町での実験-
- Improvements to the JARE deep ice core drill
- Deep ice core drilling to 2503m depth at Dome Fuji, Antarctica
- Regional distribution of chemical tracers in snow cover along the route from S16 to Dome Fuji Station, east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
- Foreword