National Institute for Agro-environmental Sciences | 論文
- Regional evaluation of the spatio-temporal variation in soil organic carbon dynamics for rainfed cereal farming in northern Kazakhstan(Environment)
- Influence of crop rotation system on the spatial and temporal variation of the soil organic carbon budget in northern Kazakhstan(Environment)
- Spatial prediction of soil organic matter in northern Kazakhstan based on topographic and vegetation information(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- Influence of land use on the dynamics of soil organic carbon in northern Kazakhstan(Soil Fertility)
- A role of the Ca2+ binding site of DC-SIGN in the phagocytosis of E. coli
- The diacylated lipopeptide FSL-1 enhances phagocytosis of bacteria by macrophages through Toll-like receptor 2-mediated signaling pathway
- 東南アジアで採集したトビイロウンカとセジロウンカの殺虫剤感受性
- ヒメトビウンカの薬剤抵抗性と低感受性アセチルコリンエステラーゼ
- CH_4 production potential in a paddy soil exposed to atmospheric CO_2 enrichment(Environment)
- P23-15 CH_4 and CO_2 production potential in a rice paddy soil exposed to atmospheric CO_2 enrichment
- Effect of Free-Air CO_2 Enrichment (FACE) on Microbial Biomass in Paddy Field Soil
- 6-29 Burkholderia gladioliにおけるキチナーゼ遺伝子の分布(6.土壌生物)
- Efficient Promoter Cassettes for Enhanced Expression of Foreign Genes in Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous Plants
- Changes in soil properties following the deforestation and successive cultivation in Thailand : I. Characteristics and classification of the marginal land of cultivation
- Comparative Analysis of Environmental Variability and Fungal Community Structure in Soils between Organic and Conventional Commercial Farms of Cherry Tomato in Japan
- Design of Sphingomonad-Detecting Probes for a DNA Array, and Its Application to Investigate the Behavior, Distribution, and Source of Rhizospherous Sphingomonas and Other Sphingomonads Inhabiting an Acid Sulfate Soil Paddock in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- 14-9 RothCモデルによる日本の農耕地土壌の炭素蓄積量変化の試算(14.土地分類利用・景域評価,2008年度愛知大会)
- 放線菌及びその近縁細菌の Family 19キチナーゼ
- Cloning of various promoters for foreign gene expression in Erwinia ananas
- Biological control of rice blast by the epiphytic bacterium Erwinia ananas transformed with a chitinolytic enzyme gene from an antagonistic bacterium, Serratia marcescens strain B2