National Food Res. Inst. Ibaraki Jpn | 論文
- Impact of Dietary Polydextrose on the Daidzein Metabolism in Adult Mice
- Assessment of the Mutagenicity of Extracts of TMV-Coat-Protein-Gene Induced Transgenic Tomato by the umu-Test
- Starch Breakdown in Developing Soybean Seeds : Glycine max cv. Enrei(Biological Chemistry)
- Relationship between the Rheological Properties of Thickener Solutions and Their Velocity through the Pharynx as Measured by the Ultrasonic Pulse Doppler Method
- The Nucleotide Sequence of the β-Glucosidase Gene from Cellvibrio gilvus
- The Nucleotide Sequence of the β-Glucosidase Gene from Cellvibrio gilvus
- 導電性高分子で被覆したペルオキシダ-ゼ単分子層電極〔英文〕 (バイオエレクトロケミストリ-の新展開)
- Effect of Extruded Polished, Brown, and Germinated Brown Rice on the Behavior and Plasma Parameters of ICR Mice
- Dihydrogenistein-Producing Bacterium TM-40 Isolated from Human Feces
- Effect of Temperature on Production of Soybean Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Microchannel Emulsification Using Different Emulsifiers
- Formation of Furfural Derivatives in Amino-carbonyl Reaction
- Comparison of Docosahexaenoic Acid with Eicosapentaenoic Acid on the Lowering Effect of Endogenous Plasma Cholesterol in Adult Mice
- Comparative Effects of Non-Gelatinized Corn and Rice Starches on the Life-Span of ICR Mice
- Catalytic Activity of Tripeptidase from Lactococcus lactis to Which Amino Acid Substitution Was Introduced According to Natural Mutation
- 二方向引っ張り試験による業務用カットキャベツの加工適性評価 (野菜特集 キャベツの加工・業務向け生産技術)
- Effects of Addition of Water on Masticatory Behavior and the Mechanical Properties of the Food Bolus
- Insecticidal Activity of Indanomycin
- Production of L-Tagatose from Galactitol by Klebsiella pneumoniae Strain 40b
- Nitric Oxide Formation by Macrophages Stimulated with Water Extracts from Meats and Offals
- 超高齢社会における食品開発の課題--新しいフードシステムの構築 (特集 高齢者のQOLを高める食品開発)