National Cancer Center Research Institute | 論文
- Studies on Hydrogen Exchange. XII. Reaction Mechanism for Hydrogen Exchange of C-8 Hydrogen of Purine Ribosides
- The Correlation between the Antitumor Activities and Chemical Structures of Thiocyanato Derivatives of Purines and Their Ribonucleosides
- Studies on Polysaccharides from Serratia marcescens. : II. On the Structures of Serratigen and Serratimannan
- 犬の鎮咳剤セラマルサイドと霊菌のセラチゲンの関係について
- Validity and Reproducibility of a Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire Used in the Baseline Survey of the JPHC Study Cohort I
- Validity of a Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire Used in the 5-year Follow-up Survey of the JPHC Study Cohort I to Assess Carotenoids and Vitamin C Intake : Comparison with Dietary Records and Blood Level
- Validity of a Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire Used in the 5-year Follow-up Survey of the JPHC Study Cohort I to Assess Fatty Acid Intake : Comparison with Dietary Records and Serum Phospholipid Level
- Reproducibility of a Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire Used in the 5-year Follow-up Survey of the JPHC Study Cohort I to Assess Food and Nutrient Intake
- Validity of a Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire Used in the 5-year Follow-up Survey of the JPHC Study Cohort I to Assess Dietary Fiber Intake : Comparison with Dietary Records
- Validity of a Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire in the 5-year Follow-up Survey of the JPHC Study Cohort I to Assess Sodium and Potassium Intake : Comparison with Dietary Records and 24-hour Urinary Excretion Level
- Validity of the Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire Used in the 5-year Follow-up Survey for the JPHC Study to Assess Folate, Vitamin B_6 and B_ Intake : Comparison with Dietary Records and Blood Level
- Validity of a Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire Used in the 5-year Follow-up Survey of the JPHC Study to Assess Selenium Intake : Comparison with Dietary Records and Blood Levels
- Baseline Survey of JPHC Study-Design and Participation Rate
- Study Design and Organization of the JPHC Study
- カロテノイドとがん予防 (特集 食品成分とがん予防)
- Studies on Antitumor Activity of Some Fractions from Basidiomyces. I. An Antitumor Acidic Polysaccharide Fraction of P. ostreatus (Fr.) QUEL
- ISO-5 Mutation Analyses of Keap1 and Nrf2 Genes in Endometrial Cancer(Group1 Oncology,International Session: Oral Presentation)
- Expression of vasohibin as a novel endothelium-derived angiogenesis inhibitor in endometrial cancer
- Surgical Anatomy of Intrapelvic Fasciae and Vesico-Uterine Ligament in Nerve-Sparing Radical Hysterectomy with Fresh Cadaver Dissections
- Studies on Hydrogen Exchange. X. Tritium-Labeling of Carcinogenic 4-Nitroquinoline 1-Oxide and Related Compounds