Miyazaki Univ. Miyazaki Jpn | 論文
- Pipecolic acid in rumen fluid and plasma in ruminant animals
- Effect of oral administration of L-pipecolic acid on food intake in chicks and mice
- A quantitative study on arginine catabolism by mixed ruminal bacteria, protozoa and their mixture in vitro
- Quantitative studies of the in vitro production of pipecolic acid by rumen protozoa and its degradation by rumen bacteria
- Biosynthesis of arginine from citrulline and related compounds by mixed ruminal bacteria, protozoa and their mixture in vitro
- 167 Enhancement of the Immunological Activity and Anti-tumor Effects by Mild Hyperthermia(Radio-protection and sensitization, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 157 Drug uptake by Mild-Hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy(Radio-protection and sensitization, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Construction and In Vitro Properties of Chimeric Simian and Human Immunodeficiency Virus with the Human TNF-Alpha Gene
- Production of Fructosyl Lysine Oxidase from Fusarium oxysporum S-1F4 on Autoclave-browned Medium
- Purification and Properties of FructosylLysine Oxidase from Fusarium oxysporum S-1F4
- Purification and Some Properties of a Tetrathionate Decomposing Enzyme from Thiobacillus thiooxidans
- 経胸壁心エコー法による犬の肺静脈血流の観察
- Babesia gibsoni 感染症でみられる抗赤血球膜抗体(短報)
- Babesia gibsoni 感染症でみられる抗赤血球膜抗体の反応性(短報)
- Babesia gibsoni感染症における赤血球結合IgG量の増加(短報)
- 競合性固相化EIAによる赤血球結合IgGの定量
- Babesia gibsoni感染犬血清中に見出された抗赤血球膜抗体
- 子牛肺炎からの Mycoplasma bovis の分離
- マイコプラズマの迅速検出と同定のためのフィルター免疫結合法
- 馬血清中でのマイコプラズマの生存性(短報)