Miyazaki Univ. Miyazaki Jpn | 論文
- 牛分房乳中に含まれる血清成分量と体細胞数の比較検討(短報)
- Mycoplasma bovisの関与する子ウシ肺炎が続発する農場に導入された子ウシの抗M.bvis抗体応答
- 付着・血球吸着阻止反応による抗Mycoplasma gallisepticum抗体の検出
- 付着・血球吸着反応によるM.gallisepticumの識別同定(短報)
- 難治性乳房炎の微生物学的検索〔英文〕
- 間接血球凝集反応による肺炎子牛血清中の ureaplasma 抗体の検出
- 病原性および非病原性の猿/人免疫不全キメラウイルス接種猿の感染初期における血漿中RANTESレベル(短報)
- Production, Purification and Properties of an Endoinilinase of Penicillium sp. TN-88 That Liberates Inulotriose
- Frequency dependence of the acoustic radiation pressure on a solid sphere in water
- Electrical Properties of Layered ZrSe_2 Single Crystals Annealed in Selenium Atmosphere
- Effect of Isothermal Annealing on Crystallization Mechanism of Amorphous Ni_Cr_P_ Metallic Alloys
- Photoacoustic Signals from Ion-Implanted and Epitaxially Grown Layers on Silicon Substrate
- Spatial Distribution of EL2 in GaAs Wafer Determined by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Systematic Study of Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structures in Yb I by Atomic-Beam Laser Spectroscopy
- Population of the Metastable State of Yb I by an Electric Discharge
- Expression and Characterization of Rat Pancreatic Secretory Trypsin Inhibitor-I and -II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Simple Purification by Affinity Chromatography
- Study of Spin Dynamics and Electronic Structure in Polythiophene Heavily Doped with ClO^-_4
- Feeding Strategy of Japanese Sand Lance Larvae in Relation to Ciliated Protozoa in the Vicinity of a Thermohaline Front
- 各宿主由来 ureaplasma 細胞質蛋白の SDS 加ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動による比較
- Chemical changes in terpenes of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) wood during steam drying in kiln at high temperature