Miyazaki Univ. Miyazaki Jpn | 論文
- Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis-(XIII) : Comparing Growth Mechanics between Logistic Functions and Basic Growth Functions-
- Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis-(XI) : Negative Weight Problem in Basic Growth Functions and its Hypothetic Avoidance by Sign Reversal of Relative Growth Rate, Space Inversion and Time Reversal-
- Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis - (VI) Some Solutions to a Simple Differential Equation Associated with Growth Mechanics -
- A Note on Searching Digits of Circular Ratio and Napier's Number for Numerically Expressed Information on Ruminant Agriculture
- Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis (3) : Applying Growth Force and Leaf-Light Complex to Production and Digestion, Analyses of Forages
- Philosophical Properites of Euler's Formula in its Application to Symbolic Representation of Some Aspects of Ruminant Agriculture
- A Stereographic Representation of Euler's Formula to Show Spirals and Topological Similarities to Micro-Structures in Ruminants and Forages
- Exponential Functions with Base e in Growth Analysis and Deriving Them from Rotations of Axes of Time Described using Euler's Formula
- Complex Representatioin of Field-Forage-Ruminant Relationships using Symmetric Properties of Euler's Formula
- A Symbolic Representatioin of Field-Forage-Ruminant Relationships using Polar Form on the Complex Plane
- Basic Growth Analysis and Symmetric Properties of Exponential Function with Base e
- Amylase Activities and Starch Contents as Affected by Source-Sink Relation during Initial Regrowth of Phasey Bean (Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb.)
- An Intersection of Ruminant Production and Forage Production
- 簡易化学発光検出器を用いるヒポキサンチンのフロ-インジェクション分析〔英文〕 (バイオエレクトロケミストリ-の新展開)
- イヌの頭蓋内圧亢進モデルにおけるTranscranial Doppler ultrasonographyを用いた頭蓋内圧の推定(短報)
- gyrB遺伝子の塩基配列に基づいたFusobacterium necrophorum, F. variamとF. variumの系統分類学的解析(短報)(細菌学)
- 牛の病巣から分離された Fusobacterium necrophorum の亜種
- 子牛臍感染症の細菌検索
- Fusobacterium variumと"Fusobacterium pseudonecrophorum"菌株間における16S-23S rRNA遺伝子間隙領域(ISR)の比較(短報)
- Fusobacterium necrophorumの株間における16S-23S rRNA遺伝子間隙領域(ISR)の特徴(短報)