Laboratory of Physics, College of Science and Technology Nihon University | 論文
- Meson-Baryon Potentials by One-Hadron-Exchange Mechanisms with Gaussian Sources(Nuclear Physics)
- Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials Expressed in Terms of the Gaussian Basis
- Comments on the Coordinate-Space Bonn Potential
- Inversion of Photon Structure Function F^2_γ from n-Space to x-Space : Particles and Fields
- Meson Form Factor in One Loop Order
- Asymptotic Behavior of Pion Form Factor
- An Attractive Retarded Effect of OBEP on Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- Nonstatic One-Boson-Exchange Potential with Retardation and Nuclear Matter : Including Velocity-Dependent Tensor Potential
- The Relativistic Effects on the Two-Nucleon and Nuclear Matter Systems
- An SU(3) Symmetric One-Boson-Exchange Potential between Two Octet Baryons
- On a Solitary Wave Exchange Potential
- Nonleptonic Hyperon Decays and Lightlike Chiral Structure of Hadrons
- Light-Like Reduction Formula and Derivation of PC and PV Lee-Sugawara Relation
- Suppression of Off-Energy-Shell Interaction in Nuclear 3-, 4- and ∞-Body Systems : Nuclear Physics
- Gluon Distribution and Structure Function of Real Photons
- Nuclear Matter Properties for Nonstatic One-Boson-Exchange Potential with Retardation
- Photon Structure Function at Small x
- The Asymptotic Behavior of the Quark Form Factor
- Pion Production at Forward Angles in Nucleon-Nucleus Collision for Incident Energies from 240 to 800 MeV : Nuclear Physics
- A Pole-Cut Dual Representation and Photoproduction Amplitude with Fixed Cut