Laboratory Of Microbial Physiology Research Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University | 論文
- One-pot conversion of levan prepared from Serratia levanicum NN to difructose anhydride IV by Arthrobacter nicotinovorans levan fructotransferase(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Characterization of an insertion sequence-like element, ISBlo15, identified in a size-increased cryptic plasmid pBK283 in Bifidobacterium longum BK28(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- Effects of difructose anhydride III (DFA III) administration on bile acids and growth of DFA III-assimilating bacterium Ruminococcus productus on rat intestine.
- Effects of difructose anhydride III (DFA III) administration on rat intestinal microbiota.
- The effects of di-D-fructofuranose-1,2':2,3'-dianhydride (DFA III) administration on human intestinal microbiota.
- Lactobacillus thermotolerans sp. nov., a novel thermotolerant species isolated from chicken faeces
- Production of Lepidimoide by an Endophytic Fungus from Polysaccharide Extracted from Abelmoschus sp. : Identification of the Product and the Organism Producing It
- Endophytes as Producers of Xylanase
- 450 有用な植物内生菌の探索とrDNA解析による分類と同定
- 943 糸状菌12-3株によるオクラ多糖からのレピヂモイド生産
- 543 原油中難分解成分の低温分解菌の探索
- Development and assessment of a Real-Time PCR assay for the rapid and sensitive detection of a novel thermotolerant bacterium, Lactobacillus thermotolerans, in chicken feces
- Isolation of a Cadmium-releasing Bacterium and Characterization of Its Novel Protease
- 375 Studies on Antifungal Antibiotics from Ellisiodothis inquinans L1588-A8
- Leptosphaeria sp.の生産する抗真菌剤 : 有機化学・天然物化学
- 「北海道産の超強力・強力小麦粉を用いた新高付加価値食品の開発」コンソーシアム
- 乳酸菌のH^+-ATPase欠損変異株に関する研究 : 微生物
- 藪田基金補助による研究小集会報告 : Horace G. Cutler, Gary Strobel両博士講演会
- 酵素反応によってイヌリンより生産されたジフルクトース-アンヒドリドIIIの物理的, 化学的および生理学的性質
- 411 味噌モロミ由来の耐塩性酵母の分類学的多様性(分類・系統・遺伝学,一般講演)