Kyunghee University | 論文
- B-5-100 A Resource Allocation Method for SVC Transmission using Multi-Level Modulation over Wireless Channel
- Identification of the Relationship between Local Velocity Components and Local Wall Thinning inside Carbon Steel Piping
- B-15-31 A Video Allocation Method for Multiuser OFDM System
- Vacuum Packaging Using Anodic Bonding and Emission Characteristics of FED (第5回日韓台中情報ディスプレイ合同研究会(ASID '99)) -- (FED and EL Displays)
- Vacuum Packaging using Anodic Bonding and Emission Characteristics of FED
- Improvement of Electron Emission Stability of Mo-tip FEAs by DLC Coating
- Clinical Safety of Drug-Eluting Stents in the Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry
- Intensive Pharmacologic Treatment in Patients With Acute Non ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Who Did Not Undergo Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- The Joint Transmit Power Control and Frequency Band Rearrangement Scheme for PB/MC-CDMA Systems
- Joint Carrier Distribution and Frequency Hopping Scheme for Improving the BER Performance in PB/MC-CDMA Systems
- Adaptive Resource Allocation for the PB/MC-CDMA System in Frequency Selective Fading Channels
- Characteristics on the Gate Insulator of Metal Tip Field Emitter Arrays after Wet Etching Process
- Thin PDP Packaging Technology in Low Temperature and Emission Characteristics (情報ディスプレイ--The 6th Asian Symposium on Information Display & Exhibition)
- Thin PDP Packaging Technology in Low Temperature and Emission Characteristics
- Deposition of Hydrogen-Free Diamond-Like Carbon Film and Its Application to Field Emission Devices
- Deposition of Hydrogen-Free Diamond-Like Carbon Film and Its Application to Field Emission Devices
- Low Dielectric Constant Fluorinated Oxide Films Prepared by Remote Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Obesity paradox in Korean patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
- 運動負荷姿勢と運動部位が温熱生理反応に及ぼす影響(第2報) : 皮膚血流量と局所発汗量の変動
- 運動負荷姿勢と運動部位が温熱生理反応に及ぼす影響(第1報) : 心拍数,直腸温及び平均皮膚温の変動