Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Sanda Jpn | 論文
- Two Dimensional Semiconductor-Based Photonic Crystal Slab Waveguides for Ultra-Fast Optical Signal Processing Devices(Photonic Crystals and Their Device Applications)
- Structural Study on Nd_Ce_CuO_ Epitaxial Thin Film Grown by Activated Reactive Evaporation Method
- X-Ray Diffraction Study on Yba_2Cu_3O_ Epitaxial Thin Film Grown by an Activated Reactive Evaporation Method : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Structural Relaxation in Glassy Phase of C_
- Optical Label Switching Using Optical Label Based on Wavelength and Pilot Tone Frequency (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Optical Label Switching Using Optical Label Based on Wavelength and Pilot Tone Frequency (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Temperature Dependence of Hydrogen Bond Nature in K_3H (SO_4)_2
- X-Ray Study of the Phase Transitions in K_3D (SO_4)_2 and K_3H (SO_4)_2
- Structure Analysis of K_3D (SO_4)_2 at Room Temperature
- Wavelength-Dependent Coupling Characteristics in Two-Dimensional Photonic-Crystal Slab Directional Coupler
- Temperature Dependence of the ν_2 Band of PO_4 Tetrahedrons in Rb_(NH_4)_xH_2PO_4 Mixed Crystals
- Comparing Reading Techniques for Object-Oriented Design Inspection(Software Engineering)
- Extended Metrics to Evaluate Cost Effectiveness of Software Inspections(Software Engineering)
- X-Ray Study on Low-Temperature Behavior of an Incommensurate Superstructure in the New High-T_c Superconductor Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_
- EXAFS Study on the Dehydration Process in Mg (OH)_2
- X-Ray Study of Glassy Behavior in C_ Single Crystals
- X-Ray Diffraction Study of Domain Reversal in Relaxor Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3 : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Reinvestigation of Low-Temperature Phase Transitions in Rb_2ZnBr_4
- Temperature and Concentration Dependence of Lattice Constants in Rondom Mixture of Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric; Rb_(NH_4)_xH_2PO_4
- Magnetotransport of SrRuO_3 Thin Film on SrTiO_3(001)