Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Sanda Jpn | 論文
- Dielectric Investigation of [(SrTiO_3)_6(BaTiO_3)_6]_2 Multilayer Capacitor : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Dielectric Investigation of BaTiO_3 Thin-Film Capacitor
- Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition from Relaxor Phase to Antiferroelectric Phase in Disordered Pd (In_Nb_)O_3
- X-Ray Diffraction Study of Pressure-Induced Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Relaxor-Pb (In_Nb_)O_3
- The Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Dielectric Properties of Disordered and Ordered Pb (In_Nb_)O_3 Single Crystals
- Pressure-Induced Dielectric Change from Relaxor to Antiferroelectric Behavior in Disordered Pb (In_1/2Nb1/2)O_3
- X-Ray Study of Phase Transitions in PbIn_1/2O_3
- Measurement of Nonlinear Dielectric Constant in Rb_(NH_4)_xH_2PO_4 Mixed Cryatals
- Phase Transition in C_3H_7NH_3H_2PO_4 Single Crystal
- Observation of the Surface Structure of the Free-Standing Films in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal, MHPOBC, by X-Ray Diffraction
- Phase Transition of Single-Crystal C_ Films on GaAs(111) Substrates
- Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal C_ Films on GaAs (111) Substrates
- EXAFS Studies on Amorphous PbTiO_3
- A Repetitional Pulsed X-Ray Diffractometer System
- A High-Performance/Low-Power On-Chip Memory-Path Architecture with Variable Cache-Line Size
- Dynamically Variable Line-Size Cache Architecture for Merged DRAM/Logic LSIs
- High Bandwidth, Variable Line-Size Cache Architecture for Merged DRAM/Logic LSIs(Special Issue on Novel VLSI Processor Architectures)
- X-Ray Study on Superionic Cu_Se
- A WSiN-Gate GaAs HMESFET with an Asymmetric LDD Structure for MMICs
- Crystal Structure Analysis and Phase Transition in Lead Orthovanadate Pb_3(VO_4)_2