Kobe Steel Ltd. | 論文
- OS4(P)-20(OS04W0445) Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution in Shot-Peened Steels by Synchrotron Radiation
- VC相界面析出制御による高強度化・傾斜機能化技術 (特集 線材・棒鋼)
- Fabrication of a Nanometer-Scale Si-Wire by Micromachining of a Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate
- ESR study on Welding Fume(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Effect of Structural Discontinuities of Welded Joints on Brittle Crack Propagation Behavior : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-3
- Torsional Impact Loading of the Thin-Walled Aluminum Statically Pre-Tensioned
- Rauchentwicklung beim CO_2-SchutzgasschweiBen(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Serial Batch Elution of Electric Arc Furnace Oxidizing Slag Discharged from Normal Steelmaking Process into Fresh Water
- 110 相反定理を用いた音響伝達関数計測法の開発 : 防音エンクロージャへの適用(振動・音響の評価技術,騒音・振動改善技術)
- 相反定理を用いた音響伝達関数計測法の開発 : 防音エンクロージャへの適用(振動・騒音実験・解析技術,特別オーガナイズドセッション「音色・音質設計技術〜開発者と利用者・第三者を繋ぐ」,振動・騒音改善技術)
- Characterization of Dendrite Morphology for Evaluating Interdendritic Fluidity Based on Phase-field Simulation
- Numerical Simulation of Solidification Structure Formation in High Mn Steel Casting Using Cellular Automaton Method
- Prediction of Casting Structure in Aluminum-base Multi-component Alloys Using Heterogeneous Nucleation Parameter
- Development of Brittle Crack Arrest Toughness K_ Test Method : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-2
- Grasp Control for a Multifingered Hand with Kinematic Redundancy : Experiments on Stable Grasp by the Direct Compliance Control Method
- The Effects of Macro Particle and Film Thickness of Thin Film on Fatigue Strength(Fatigue 3)
- Required Brittle Crack Arrest Toughness K_ Value with Actual Scale Model Tests : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-4
- 120 3個のマイクロフォンを用いた音響特性計測法の開発 : エンジン吸気配管系への適用(環境騒音・振動の予測と制御(II))(振動・騒音制御技術)
- Electrical Conduction across the Direct Contact between Indium–Tin Oxide and Al–Ni Alloy Layers
- Measurement of Moisture in Refractory with a Neutron Moisture Analyzer