Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University | 論文
- 132 Application of Friction Stir Welding to Lap Joint of Aluminum to Steel
- Influence of Surface Treatment on the Strength of Solid-State Diffusion-Bonded Interface of Tin(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Effects of Alloying Elements on the Strength of Friction-bonded Interfaces of Al Alloys to Steel(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Impact Fracture Behavior of Duplex Stainless Steel Weldment(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Weld Metals of 950MPa Class High-strength Steel(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Effect of Simulated Welding Cycles on Carbide Evolution in SQV 2A Low Alloy Steel(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Friction Bonding of Silicon Carbide to Oxygen-Free Copper with an Intermediate Layer of Reactive Metal
- Interfacial Reaction Layers in SiC/Cu Joint Friction-Bonded with Nb Intermediate Layer
- Interfacial Phenomena in Anodic Bonding of Glass to Kovar Alloy
- Characteristics of an ECR Plasma Sputtering Source at Low Ar/N_2 Gas Pressures for Thin Film Synthesis
- Studies on Magnetron Sputtering Assisted by Inductively Coupled RF Plasma for Enhanced Metal Ionization
- Inductively-Coupled-Plasma-Assisted Planar Magnetron Discharge for Enhanced Ionization of Sputtered Atoms
- The Welding Arc Spectrum and The Improved Arc Light Information for Welding Process Control
- Effect of Coating Thickness on the Thermal Conductivity of Zirconia Composite Coatings Sprayed by Gas Tunnel Type Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
- Kinetics of Densification and Phase Transformation at Microwave Sintering of Silicon Nitride with Alumina and Yttria or Ytterbia as Additives (特集 放電焼結の基礎と応用)
- Influence of Precipitation Behavior of Different Crystalline Phases for Embrittlement Behavior of Several Zr-Based Metallic Glasses
- Development of a Compact Magnetorheological Fluid Clutch for Human-Friendly Actuator
- Direct observation of powder agglomerated structure in ceramic slurries using optical microscopy
- Effect of Welding Parameters of FCAW Process and Shielding Gas Type on Weld Bead Geometry and Hardness Distribution(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Development of a Geometrical Model for Optimizing Porous Anode Microstructure of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells