Institute of Pharmacognosy, Tokushima Bunri University | 論文
- Shidasterone, an Insect Metamorphosing Substance from Blechnum niponicum : Structure
- Stereostructure of Rhodojapoin V and VII, Toxins of Rhododendron japonicum
- Isolation of Phytoecdysones from Japanese Ferns. I
- Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion of Insect-Metamorphosing Hormone Ecdysterone in Mice. II
- 昆虫変態ホルモンエクジステロンのマウスにおける吸収, 分布, 代謝および排泄その1
- Stereostructure of Asebotoxin VI, VIII, and IX, Toxins of Pieris japonica
- Stereoselective Epoxidation of Germacradienes by Enzymes and Selective Transannular Cyclization of Germacradienes and Their Epoxides
- Stereoselectivity in Microbiological Transformation of Stereoisomers of α-Cyperone and Dihydro-α-cyperone with Colletotrichum phomoides
- Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Phytoecdysones
- ヒナタイノコズチにおける昆虫変態活性物質含量の季節的変化
- イノコズチ属植物におけるコレステロールおよびメバロン酸からイノコステロンとエクジステロンの生合成
- イノコズチ属植物の組織培養および培養組織における昆虫変態活性物質の生成
- カノコソウ根の成分 その4
- Screening of Formosan Ferns for Phytoecdysones. I
- Screening of Japanese Ferns for Phytoecdysones. I
- The Constituents of Osmunda spp. II. : A New Flavonol Glycoside of Osmunda asiatica
- Pungent Aromatic Compound from New Zealand Liverwort Hymenophyton flabellatum
- Antitumor Principles from Ginkgo biloba L.(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- Studies on the Furanoid Diterpenes from Teucrium japonicum HOUTT.
- Fusidic Acid, a Steroidal Antibiotic from Isaria kogane