Institute of Applied Microbiology University of Tokyo | 論文
- Viscosity of Concentrated Solution
- Carbonic Anhydrase of Chlamydomonas : Purification and Studies on its Induction Using Antiserum against Chlamydomonas Carbonic Anthydrase
- Regulation of CO_2-fixation in Chlorella by light of varied wavelengths and intensities
- Construction of Phage Vectors in Streptomyces: Introduction of the Thiostreptone Resistant (tsr) Gene into R4 Phage
- Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of DNA from Streptomyces Phages SPA10, SPA18, SPA38 and SPA48
- Cloning of Thermostable α-Amylase Gene Using Bacillus subtilis Phage ρll as a Vector
- Action of Proteases on Human Erythrocyte Glycoproteins in Relation to Hemagglutination by Conidiobolus Chitin-binding Agglutinin
- Control of unusual hyphal morphology in a mutant of Coprinus macrorhizus.
- A kinetic analysis of proton transport in bacteriorhodopsin-liposomes based on bilateral pH determinations.
- An analytical study of fluorometric determination of intravesicular pH.
- Cloning and Identification of an Exogenous Thermostable a-Amylase Gene residing on the Bacillus subtilis Chromosome
- Cleavage Analysis of Actinophage R4 and Its Deletion Mutants
- Purification and Immunological Properties of Chitin-binding Hemagglutinin and β-N-Acetylglucosaminidase Produced by Conidiobolus lamprauges
- Mechanism of Action of Tetrocarcin A
- Identification of the Product of Sporulation Gene spoOB in Bacillus subtilis