Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University | 論文
- Preparation of PbTiO_3 Thin Films by an Excimer Laser Ablation Technique with Second Laser Irradiation
- Mobilities of Charge Carriers in Dendrite and Linear Oligogermanes by Flash Photolysis Time-resolved Microwave Conductivity Technique
- Delocalization of Positive and Negative Charge Carriers on Oligo- and Poly-fluorenes Studied by Low-Temperature Matrix Isolation Technique
- Surface Preparation, Growth, and Interface Control of Ultrathin Gate Oxides
- Stereochemistry of 2-Phenylethylamine Oxidation Catalyzed by Bacterial Copper Amine Oxidase(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- 1P180 Development of a force-clamping system to study the torque generation mechanism of F_1-ATPase(Molecular motor,The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- Atomic Structure of Pd-Intercalated Graphite by High-Resolution Electron Microscopy and First Principles Calculations
- Photolysis of Alkynyl(phenyl)iodonium Salts. Remarkable Solvent Effect and Generation of Acids
- 2P-171 F_1-ATPase回転モーターの角度依存的ヌクレオチドアフィニティ(分子モーター(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Effect of Au addition on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Sn-Cu Eutectic Solder
- Effect of Ag Addition on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Sn-Cu Eutectic Solder
- Novel Trimeric Adenylate Kinase from an Extremely Thermoacidophilic Archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus : Molecular Cloning, Nucleotide Sequencing, Expression in Escherichia coli, and Characterization of the Recombinant Enzyme(Biochemistry & Molecular Biolo
- Cloning, Sequencing, and Expression in Escherichia coli of cDNA Encoding Porcine Brain UMP-CMP Kinase^1
- Observations of Dislocation Networks in an Alloy of Body-Centered Cubic Lattice by Electron Microscopy
- Diffuse Scattering in the High-Temperature(1×1)State of Si(111)
- Surface Plasmon Dispersions of Ag Adsorbed Si(111) Surfaces Studied by Angle-Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
- Inelastic Low Energy Electron Diffraction Measurements of Hydrogen Adsorbed Si (001) Surfaces: 2×1:H and 1×1: :2H
- Enhancement of Surface Plasmon excitation by Low-Energy Electron due to Surface Resonance on Si (001)-2×1
- Dispersion of Surface-Plasmon at Clean Si(001)-2×1 Surface
- 高域強調のための差分操作に等価な線形予測係数上の後処理