Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University | 論文
- The Pro-peptide of Streptomyces mobaraensis Transglutaminase Functions in cis and in trans to Mediate Efficient Secretion of Active Enzyme from Methylotrophic Yeasts
- Characterization and High-level Production of D-Amino Acid Oxidase in Candida boidinii
- Analysis of Alcohol Oxidase Isozymes in Gene-Disrupted Strains of Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia methanolica
- Field-Ion Images of Ordered Ni_3Mo Alloy and Their Computer Simulation
- Field-Evaporation End Form of Ordered Ni_4Mo Alloy
- A Method of Determining the Types of Ordered Domains of β-Ni_4Mo in Field-Ion Images
- Field-Ion Microscope Study of Early Stages of Ordering in Ni_4Mo Alloy
- 3P-068 原子間力顕微鏡による1分子相互作用測定のためのIL-6及びIL-6RのN末端固定法(蛋白質・計測,解析の方法論,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Cyclotron Resonance in Extremely Low Carrier-Density System of Yb_4As_3
- Isolation of (1→2)-β-D-Glucans from Tropical Strains of Rhizobium and Determination of Their Degrees of Polymerization
- Superconducting Properties and Strain Effects in High Fields for Bronze-Processed Multifilamentary (Nb, Ti)_3Sn Wires and Composite-Processed Ultrafine Filament Nb_3Al Wires(Low-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Effect of B-Site Substitution on the Critical Behavior in La_ Ca_MnO_3
- Erinacol (Cyatha-3, 12-dien-14β-ol) and 11-O-Acetylcyathin A_3, New Cyathane Metabolites from an Erinacine Q-Producing Hericium erinaceum
- Fusicocca-3(16), 10(14)-diene, and β- and δ-Araneosenes, New Fusicoccin Biosynthesis-related Diterpene Hydrocarbons from Phomopsis amygdali
- Identification of (+)-Phyllocladene, (-)-Sandaracopimaradiene, and (+)-Kaurene as New Fungal Metabolites from Fusicoccin-producing Phomopsis amygdali F6
- Erinacine Q, a New Erinacine from Hericium erinaceum, and its Biosynthetic Route to Erinacine C in the Basidiomycete(Organic Chemistry)
- High Strength and Good Ductility of Bulk Quasicrystalline Base Alloys in Zr_Al_Ni_Cu_Pd_X System
- Si-Fullerene Compounds Produced by Controlling Spatial Structure of an Arc-Discharge Plasma
- Atomic Force Microscopy Observation of the Initial Growth Stage and the Ferroelectric Properties of Bi_2VO_ Films on SrTiO_3(100), Si(100) Substrates
- Electric and Pyroelectric Behaviors of PbTiO_3 Thin Films Formed by an Excimer Laser Ablation Technique