Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University | 論文
- On the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Iron Selenide Fe_7Se_8
- High-Temperature Solution Growth and Characterization of Chromium Disilicide
- NMR Studies of VO_2 and V_W_XO_2
- Observation of Dipole-Forbidden Transitions througy Fano Antiresonance in Boron-Doped Silicon
- Rectangular Arrangement of Se-Ring Clusters on Graphite Surface and Their Structural Transformation
- Perpendicularly Magnetized L1_0-FePt / MgO Epitaxially grown on GaAs for Electrical Spin Injection
- Temperature-Dependent Soft X-ray Photoemission and Absorption Studies of Charge Disproportionation in La_Sr_xFeO_3(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- ニューダイヤモンド,ニューカーボンと電子放出の将来
- Crystal Growth of Hen Egg White Lysozyme under High Pressure
- Preferential Growth of α'-FeN Films under a High Magnetic Field
- Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in insulating granular films under high pressure
- Highly Reliable MOS Trench Gate FET by Oxygen Radical Oxidation
- Improved J-E Characteristics and Stress Induced Leakage Currents (SILC) in Oxynitride Films Grown at 400℃ by Microwave-Excited High-Density Kr/O_2/NH_3 Plasma
- Adsorption of Fluorinated C_ on the Si(111)-(7 × 7) Surface Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy(Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films)
- High-Field Magneto-Luminescence in Cd_Mn_Se under High Pressures at 4.2 K
- Epitaxial Synthesis of Sr_Ti_nO_ (n = 2-5) Ruddlesden-Popper Homologous Series by Pulsed-Laser Deposition
- Effect of Pressure on the Giant Magnetoresistance of Fe/Cr Magnetic Superlattices
- C_ Grown on the Cu(111)1×1 Surface
- Magnetic Entropy Changes of SmMn_2Ge_2 under High Pressure