Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University | 論文
- Microwave Power Beaming Experiments in Tronto and Hawaii for the Solar Power Satellite
- 0.5-V 4-MB Variation-Aware Cache Architecture Using 7T/14T SRAM and Its Testing Scheme
- 0.5-V 4-MB Variation-Aware Cache Architecture Using 7T/14T SRAM and Its Testing Scheme
- On-Chip In-Place Measurements of V_ and Signal/Substrate Response of Differential Pair Transistors
- Fair Partitioning of the Downlink Resources of an OFDMA-Based Multi-User Multi-Tier Cellular Network Using Fractional Frequency Reuse
- Co-simulation of On-Chip and On-Board AC Power Noise of CMOS Digital Circuits
- Microwave Power Beaming Experiments in Tronto and Hawaii for the Solar Power Satellite
- Microwave Power Beaming Experiments in Tronto and Hawaii for the Solar Power Satellite
- 0.5-V 4-MB Variation-Aware Cache Architecture Using 7T/14T SRAM and Its Testing Scheme
- Design of Effective Supply Voltage Monitor for Measuring Power Rails of Integrated Circuits
- Single-channel talker localization based on separation of the acoustic transfer function using hidden Markov model and its classification
- Measurements and Simulation of Sensitivity of Differential-Pair Transistors against Substrate Voltage Variation
- Performance Evaluation of Probing Front-End Circuits for On-Chip Noise Monitoring
- Improvement and Evaluation of Rate Adaptation based on Average Fade Region Duration Estimation for IEEE802.11
- Introducing Multiple Microphone Arrays for Enhancing Smart Home Voice Control
- An Efficient Flooding Scheme for V2V Communications Considering Intersections of Urban Area
- Segmentation of Acetabular Cartilage in CT Arthrography using Probabilistic Atlas Spatially Normalized by Pelvic Shape
- Segmentation of Acetabular Cartilage in CT Arthrography using Probabilistic Atlas Spatially Normalized by Pelvic Shape
- Segmentation of Acetabular Cartilage in CT Arthrography using Probabilistic Atlas Spatially Normalized by Pelvic Shape