Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University | 論文
- Upper Limits of Electron Beam Currents Focusable with High-T_c Bulk Superconductor Lenses (Supertrons)
- Anomalous Photoemission under the Influence of a Charged Substrance in Low-Frequency Parallel-Plates Discharge in N_2 Gas
- Asymmetrical Emission Profiles from Low-Frequency Discharges in SF_6 and in N_2 Gases in a Planar Diode with a Si-Wafer
- Higher Order Calculations of Cut Vertices in QCD
- Precise Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Solids by a Direct Electrical Heating Method (Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity and Theoretical Evaluation of Accuracy)
- Precise Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Solids by a Direct Electrical Heating Method : 1st Report, Measurement and Theoretical Evaluation of Accuracy for a Circular Rod Sample
- Formation Mechanism of p-Type Surface Conductive Layer on Deposited Diamond Films
- Space Charge Limited Current in Semiconducting Diamomd Films
- Synthesis of Diamond Thin Films Having Semiconductive Properties : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- 12pWF-13 単層カーボンナノチューブの磁性分子吸着特性 (III)(ナノチューブ物性, 領域 7)
- Plastic Anisotropy in an Al-Cu-Co Decagonal Quasicrystal
- Electrical Properties of Zn-Mg-RE (RE=Y,Gd) Icosahedral Quasicrystals
- Long-Term Instability of Lithium-Drifted Silicon Detector
- Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation in a Ce : BaTiO_3 Crystal Pumped with Femtosecond Laser Pulses at 1053 nm Wavelength
- Surface Preparation, Growth, and Interface Control of Ultrathin Gate Oxides
- Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies of Interface States at Ultrathin Oxide/Si Interfaces
- Interface States at Ultrathin Chemical Oxide/Silicon Interfaces Obtained from Measurements of XPS Spectra under Biases
- Interface States for Si-Based MOS Devices with an Ultrathin Oxide Layer : X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Measurements under Biases
- Cloning and expression pattern of a novel microspore-specific gene encoding hypersensitive-induced response protein (LjHIR1) from the model legume, Lotus japonicus
- A chromatic Aberration-Free Heterodyne Alignment for Optical Lithography : Lithography Technology