Faculty Of Engineering Gunma University | 論文
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- Reduction and Sintering of Vanadium Oxide Films by Laser-Beam Irradiation
- Navigating in Unknown Environment with Rectangular Obstacles
- Some Modifications of the Tournament Algorithm for the Mutual Exclusion Problem
- A Robot Navigation Strategy in Unknown Environment and Its Efficiency (Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- Microstructures and Hardness of Mo Heater Chip Brazed with Au-18 mass%Ni
- Analysis for Arbitrary Shaped Grating by FDTD Method(The IEICE Transactions (publishedin Japanese) Vol. J 86-B, No.6(Communications))
- Unstable Vibrations Induced by Rotationally Unsymmetric Inertia and Stiffness Properties
- Chatter Vibrations of Machine Tool or Work with Directional Stiffness Inequality
- The Effect of a Flat Shaft on the Unstable Vibrations of the Shaft Carrying an Unsymmetrical Rotor
- Influence of Unequal Pedestal Stiffness on the Instability Regions of an Asymmetrical Rotor
- Influence of Unequal Pedestal Stiffness on the Instability Regions of a Rotating Asymmetric Shaft : 3rd Report, Mechanism for Occurrence of Two Types of Unstable Vibrations
- On the Shaft End Torque and the Forced Vibrations of an Asymmetrical Shaft Carrying an Asymmetrical Rotor
- Influence of Unegual Pedestal Stiffness on the Instability Regions of a Rotating Asymmetric Shaft : 2nd Report, Inclinational Vibrations with Effects of Gyroscopic Action
- On the Shaft End Torque and the Unstable Vibrations of an Asymmetrical Shaft Carrying an Asymmetrical Rotor
- Self-Excited Vibrations of Wire-Winding-Type Growing Apparatus for Silicon Single Crystals : Experimental Results and Considerations Relevant to Self-Excited Vibrations
- Effect of Coulomb Friction on the Forced Vibration of a System with Elastically Supported Viscous Damper
- A Multiple Scattering Thenory for a Magnetic Impurity Coupled to Quantum Antiferromagnets in Quasi-Two Dimensions
- Growth Kinetics of Reaction Layers in Flip Chip Joints with Cu-cored Lead-free Solder Balls