Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University | 論文
- Drying Properties of Sugi Round Timber with Microwabe Heating
- 飼料イネ栽培における青刈り・再生利用に適した品種の検索
- 青刈り時期の違いが飼料イネの収量および飼料価値に及ぼす影響
- Induced surge characteristics on a control cable in a gas-insulated substation due to switching operation (特集 IWHV 2007 (5th International Workshop on High Voltage Engineering))
- Some Primary Characeristics of Water Quality in the Tatara River
- Developmental Biology of Liriomyza chinensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on Onion
- Effect of major inorganic nutrients on β-thujaplicin production in a suspension culture of Cupressus Iusitanica cells
- Cell growth and nutrient uptake by cell suspensions of Cupressus Iusitanica
- 京都大学医学部におけるラットおよびヒトの腎症候性出血熱ウイルス抗体陽性例の検出とその対策に関する報告(資料)
- 1D-15 自然発症てんかんラット海馬CA3錐体細胞における異常カルシウム電流
- 〔(BN×TM)×TM〕戻し交配ラットにおける13生化学的及び2毛色遺伝子間の連鎖〔英文〕
- Brucella canis実験感染雄イヌにおける精子凝集と血清および生殖器組織抽出液の精子凝集活性
- 実験動物の近交系とその遺伝学的モニタリング (実験動物の現状と展望)
- 婦人におけるBrucella canisに対する血清凝集素の調査〔英文〕
- Magnetic Anisotropy in (Gd_Dy_x) Al_2 Ternaries
- Magnetic Properties of Gd-Ce Single Crystal Alloys
- Magnetic Properties of (Cr_Ni_x)_2P Compounds
- Magnetic Properties of (Cr_Ni_x)_2As Single Crystal Compounds
- Magnetic Properties of (Mn,Cr) P and (Mn,Fe) P Compounds
- EXPRESSIONAL ANALYSIS OF A NOVEL GENE, SPERGEN-3, ISOLATED BY DIFFERENTIAL DISPLAY(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)