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青刈り再生イネ利用に適した飼料イネ品種を検索するため、インド型、日本型および日印交雑の多収イネ9品種を供試し、乾物収量、消化率および窒素含有率を調査した。その結果、極晩成インド型浮稲品種のRAYADA(FRC14)では、茎葉のみで3kgm-2以上の極めて高い乾物収量が得られた。これらの品種は草丈が高いために倒伏しやすいが、この防止のためには青刈りの実施が有効であった。また、青刈りによって再生イネの消化率や総窒素含有率の向上が認められることから、イネの飼料化に置いて、乾物収量は多いが倒れやすい品種あるいは消化率や飼料品質の劣る品種については青刈り、再生イネの利用が有効と考えられた。In order to search adaptable varieties for the use of soiling and ratooning rice in forage rice cultivation, using 9 high yielding rice varieties including Japonica, Indica and Japonica-Indica cross varieties, dry matter yield, digestibility and nitrogen content were investigated. As a result, among varieties used, the highest dry matter yield over 3kgm-2 was obtained in RAYADA(FRC 14) which is a deepwater rice and extremely late maturing variety. This variety lodged in control plot, because of the high plant length. However the lodging was prevented by soiling. Futhermore, the digestibility and the total nitrogen content of ratooning rice were improved by soiling. It is suggestes that the use of soiling and ratooning rice is effective for the variety with high dry matter yield but easy to lodging, and that with low digestibility and low nitrigen content.
- 九州大学の論文
中野 豊
白 珍洙
中川 幸夫
Nakano Yutaka
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
中川 幸夫
- 日印交雑イネ数品種の乾物収量とサイレージの発酵品質
- 牧草の初等生長解析に関する一考察
- Analyses of Accumulation of Silica in the Growth of Two Tropical Forages using Simple Equations
- Forage Growth Analysis, Forage Digestion Analysis and Ruminant Growth Analysis as related using Simple Equations
- Accumulation of Digestible Materials with Growth of Forages and Digestion of Forage Dry Matter by in vitro Incubation with Rumen Fluid and Pepsin
- Net Assimilation Rate of Forages and Forage Intake of Ruminants as Related using a Hypothetic Equation Suggested to Growth Analysis of both Forages and Ruminants
- Two Different-Type Equations of Relative Growth Analysis for both Forages and Ruminants and Deriving of them from A Hypothetic Equation
- Use of Complex Number in the Analysis of Increase in Dry Matter Indigestibility with Growth of Forages
- An Application of Growth Analysis Method to Simple Correlation Analysis between Dry Matter Indigestibility and Lignin Content with Growth of a Forage
- Accumulation Rate of Digestible Materials and Formation Rate of Indigestible materials in the Description of Relative Growth Rate of Forages
- Mean Leaf Area of the Canopy for Light Interception by Forages and Mean Retention Time of Feed in the Rumen for Feed Ingestion by Ruminants as Investigated using Simple Models
- A Hypothetic Equation from Which Growth Analysis Equations of Forages and Ruminants are Derived as Special Cases
- Analyses of Accumulation of Crude Protein and Decrease in its Content in the Growth of Chloris gayana Kunth and Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb.
- Two Different-Type Equations Analyzing Decrease in Dry Matter Digestibility with Growth of Forages
- Accumulation of Digestible Materials Decrease in Dry Matter Digestibility in the Growth of Two Tropical Grasses
- Relationship between Two Different-Type Equations Analyzing Increase in Dry Matter Indigestibility with Growth of Forages
- Formation of Indigestible Materials from Digestible Materials and Photosynthates in the Growth of Rhodes grass (chloris gayana Kunth)
- Formation of Indigestible Materials and Increase in Dry Matter Indigestibility in the Growth of Two Tropical Forages
- Relative Growth Rate of Beef Cattle Expressed Using Factors Related to Feed Intake, Maintenance Requirements and Feed Efficiency
- ファジービーン(Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb.)混合が浮イネ(Oryza sativa L.)サイレージの発酵品質に及ぼす影響
- 青刈イネ品種間のサイレージ発酵品質比較
- P-7 ショットガン直播機によるファジービーンの栽培 : 湛水土壌中の播種深度が出芽に及ぼす影響と播種後の生育
- P-6 浮イネを含む数種飼料イネの直播および移植栽培における生育の違い
- ファジービーンとの混作が移植および直播栽培飼料イネ並びに浮イネの収量に及ぼす影響
- 浮イネを含むイネ数品種のサイレージ発酵特性
- ファジービーンとの混作が飼料イネの収量に及ぼす影響(日本作物学会第216回講演会要旨・資料集)
- ファジービーンとの混作が浮イネの収量に及ぼす影響(日本作物学会第216回講演会要旨・資料集)
- 4-10 ファジービーン混合が飼料イネサイレージの発酵品質に及ぼす影響
- 暖地型マメ科Aeschynomene americana L.の生育に伴う乾物消化率及び窒素含有率の推移
- 2-5 水田転換畑におけるAeschynomene americana L.と青刈ヒエ及びハトムギの混播栽培
- ファジービーン (Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb.) 混合が飼料イネサイレージの発酵品質ならびに嗜好性に及ぼす影響
- 2-31 P-32 ファジービーンとの混作が飼料イネの収量及びサイレージ嗜好性に及ぼす影響
- 2-19 水田転換畑における暖地型マメ科 Aeschynomene americana L. 及びファジービーンとイネ科飼料作物の混播栽培
- 2-5 1 番草刈り取り時のトラクターによる踏圧がファジービーンの刈り株に与える傷害と 2 番草収量に及ぼす影響
- 追い込み畜舎内に設置した隔壁がトカラヤギの敵対行動に及ぼす影響
- Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis - (VI) Some Solutions to a Simple Differential Equation Associated with Growth Mechanics -
- A Note on Searching Digits of Circular Ratio and Napier's Number for Numerically Expressed Information on Ruminant Agriculture
- Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis (3) : Applying Growth Force and Leaf-Light Complex to Production and Digestion, Analyses of Forages
- 2-32 P-33 浮稲の飼料化と耐倒伏性
- 代かき同時土中点播方式による水稲直播栽培の実証研究
- 再生二期作稲の生育・収量におよぼす施肥量と刈り高さの影響
- 再生二期作稲の生育・収量におよぼす施肥量と刈り高さの影響
- ニホンスモモ品種における胚発育不良と摘果によるその改善
- ブドウ(Vitis vinifera L. と V. complex)における縮果病の発生程度とカルシウム、マグネシウム及びホウ素の発生予防効果
- 飼料イネとファジービーン混合サイレージの発酵品質ならびに乳牛への給与が乳生産に及ぼす影響(予報)
- 附属農場における乳牛の乳量および牛乳中成分の変動
- 北部九州におけるダイズの晩播き栽培について : 早生品種の生育と収量
- ダイズにおける晩播き栽培用品種の検索(予報)
- 施肥量が飼料用の浮稲の生育に及ぼす影響
- 浮イネを含むイネ数品種のサイレージ発酵特性
- Basic Avoidance of Food Competition among Ruminants, Non-Ruminants and Humans -A Simple Analytic Description-
- 飼料イネ栽培における青刈り・再生利用に適した品種の検索
- 青刈り時期の違いが飼料イネの収量および飼料価値に及ぼす影響
- Basic Dividing of Foods between Ruminants and Humans when based on the Production of Forages or Grain Crops,or Both -A Simple Analytic Description-
- Contrastive or Interconvertible Relationships between Forage and Ruminant Growth Analysis Equations-A Simple Description using a Symmetry-like Characteristic-
- 暖地型マメ科Aeschynomene americana L.の嗜好性
- 25 飼料稲栽培における青刈り稲おび再生稲の生育、収量および消化率
- Comparison of Body Weight Changes between Sexes and among Differences in Litter Composition during Suckling Period in Kids of Tokara Native Goats
- Estimation of Light Intercepting Performance of Plant Canopy using Mean Leaf Area Weighted with Relative Light Intensity
- Reserve Carbohydrates Changes in Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii Following Defoliation
- The Growth and Nutritive Value of Imperate cylindrica var. koenigii as Influenced by Nitrogen Fertilization and Cutting Interval
- Grazing Bites per Day of Goats on Some Taopical Grass Pastures and the Influence of Sward Characteristics
- Some Behavioural Aspects of Cow-calf Relationships in a Herd of Beef Cattle in Semi-confinement
- Ecological Characteristics of Imperata cyindrica var.koenigii in Kuju-Aso Area Kyushu
- Changes in Social and Spacing Behaviour of Japanese Black Cattle after Introducing a Strange Cow into a Stable Herd
- 舎飼トカラヤギにおける社会順位と横臥位置および横臥行動の関係
- トカラヤギノ反芻行動に及ぼす多回給餌の影響
- Relationship between Social Grooming and Agonistic Behaviour in a Stable Fattening Cattle Herd
- Comparative Aspects of Behavioural Activities of Beef Cows before and after Introducing a Stranger at Night
- Interrelationships among Maintenance Behaviour, Agonistic Behaviour and Live Weight Change in a Beef Cattle Herd after Introducing a Strange Cow
- カキの萌芽期における晩霜害の品種間差
- ニホンスモモにおける胚の発育
- 果樹におけるカラス害の簡易防止法
- ブドウの生理障害, 特に縮果病に関する調査
- リンゴとナシの相互交雑和合性
- トカラヤギ幼畜群における離乳前の接触経験が離乳後の社会行動に及ぼす影響
- 混作栽培した飼料イネとファジービーン(Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb.)の生産性および栄養成分
- 飼料イネ栽培における青刈り再生茎の利用