Division of Applied Bioscience, Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University | 論文
- Distribution of L-Azetidine-2-carboxylate N-Acetyltransferase in Yeast
- Molecular Cloning, Functional Expression, and Tissue Distribution of a Potato Sprout Allene Oxide Synthase Involved in a 9-Lipoxygenase Pathway
- C224 カフェ酸脱炭酸活性をもつ根面細菌の検索とその脱炭酸酵素遺伝子解析による機能性解明
- E209 ハスモンヨトウSpodoptera litura幼虫の食物香気に対する選好性の誘導
- 非宿主植物Amaranthus gangeticus由来二次代謝産物による植物病原性Aphanomyces cochlioides遊走子の宿主回帰過程の妨害
- 77(P57) テンサイ苗立枯病拮抗細菌Xanthomonas sp. SB-K88株が生成する抗生物質xanthobaccin Aの構造解析(ポスター発表の部)
- 2 ハマナス(Rosa rugosa)葉の主抗菌性セスキテルペンパーオキシド、rugosal Aの生合成、局在化およびその機能について(口頭発表の部)
- Parvitexins A–E, Clerodane-Type Diterpenes Isolated from the in Vitro-Cultured Liverwort, Scapania parvitexta
- Identification of the 4-Hydroxycinnamate Decarboxylase (PAD) Gene of Klebsiella oxytoca
- Salkowski’s Reagent Test as a Primary Screening Index for Functionalities of Rhizobacteria Isolated from Wild Dipterocarp Saplings Growing Naturally on Medium-Strongly Acidic Tropical Peat Soil
- 9-50 植物のカリウム吸収促進効果作用を持つ物質の単離・同定(9.植物の無機栄養)
- Purification and Partial Characterization of a Novel Glucanhydrolase from Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 and its Use for Inhibition of Insoluble Glucan Formation
- Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Peronosporomycetes Hyphal Branching-Inducing Factors Produced by Pseudomonas jessenii EC-S101
- α-グルコシダーゼの分子解析
- Cellulase Applied to the Leaves of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) Upregulates the Production of Salicylic and Azelaic Acids
- Cloning and Functional Analysis of an Allene Oxide Synthase in Physcomitrella patens
- Molecular Cloning of cDNAs and Genes for Three α-Glucosidases from European Honeybees, Apis mellifera L., and Heterologous Production of Recombinant Enzymes in Pichia pastoris
- Parvitexins A-E, Clerodane-Type Diterpenes Isolated from the in Vitro-Cultured Liverwort, Scapania parvitexta
- Identification of the 4-Hydroxycinnamate Decarboxylase (PAD) Gene of Klebsiella oxytoca
- Isolation and Structural Elucidation of a New Cyclohexenone Compound from Lasiodiplodia theobromae