Division Of Physiological Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University | 論文
- Inhibitory Effect of Ethanol and Colchicine on the Intracellular Processing of β-Glucuronidase Which Occurs in the Golgi Complex
- AlkylおよびAryl HexopyranosideならびにHexofuranosideのマススペクトル
- Synthesis of β-D-Galactofuranosides and Their Behavior toward β-Galactosidase
- Hydrolysis of Aryl β-D-Glucofuranoside by Almond Emulsin β-Glucosidase
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLIII. Comparison of Glucuronyl Transfer Activity between β-Glucuronidase and Uridine Diphosphate Transglucuronylase.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLII. Isolation of Ester Glucuronides of p-Aminosalicylic Acid and Salicylic Acid from the Urine of Rabbits.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLVI. Behavior of 2-Naphthyl β-D-Glucofuranosiduronic Acid toward β-Glucuronidase.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLV. Synthesis of 2-Naphthyl β-D-Glucofuranosiduronic Acid.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XLIV. Glucuronyl Transfer Reaction catalyzed by β-Glucuronidase by the Use of Ester Glucuronides as Substrates.
- Metabolism of Drugs. XXXIV. Studies on the Ring Structure of p-Aminobenzoyl Glucuronide isolated from the Urine of Dog administered with p-Aminobenzoic Acid. (2).
- Metabolism of Drugs. XXXIII. Studies on the Ring Structure of p-Aminobenzoyl Glucuronide isolated from the Urine of Dog administered with p-Aminobenzoic Acid. (1).
- Endo- and Aminopeptidase Activities of Rat Cathepsin H
- 細胞内取り込み機構で活動するライソゾーム膜糖蛋白質の生化学的研究(発表論文抄録(1989年))
- 細胞内取り込み機構に局在するライソゾーム膜糖蛋白質の形態学的研究(発表論文抄録(1989年))
- ラット肝ライソゾーム膜のシアロ糖蛋白質をコードするcDNAの単離とその配列(発表論文抄録(1989年))
- Synthesisof p-Nitrophenyl β-D-Glucopyranosiduronic Acid and Its Utilization as a Substrate for the Assay of β-Glucuronidase Activity
- ラット腎細胞におけるカテプシンBの局在部位 : 2. Protein A-金法を用いた免疫電子顕微鏡的研究(発表論文抄録(1986年))
- ラット腎細胞におけるカテプシンBの局在部位 : 1. 酵素抗体法を用いた光学顕微鏡的研究(発表論文抄録(1986年))
- ラット肝細胞におけるカテプシンDの局在部位 : 免疫細胞化学的研究(発表論文抄録(1985年))
- ラット腎尿細管におけるカテプシンDの局在部位 : 免疫細胞化学的方法(発表論文抄録(1985年))