Department of Physics,Osaka University | 論文
- Experimental Investigation of Thermal Neutron-Induced Single Event Upset in Static Random Access Memories : Semiconductors
- A Simple Method of Monte Carlo Renormalization Group
- Fermion Number Non-Conservation Catalyzed by Magnetic Monopoles at Finite Temperature : Particles and Fields
- Self-Organization in a Two-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Model of Traffic Flow
- A Semiclassical Approach to the Boson-Fermion System
- Effective Actions in String Theory
- Quantum Corrections in Superconductor Models
- Non-Linear Strings
- Calculation of Gamma-Ray Multiplicity Moments Associated with Massive-Transfer Reactions
- Search for Time-Correlated Fast Neutrons from DD Fusion at Room Temperature
- Generation and Observation of Strong Shock Waves in the Flight Regiemes of AOTV
- The role of a glyoxylate-glycolate system in chloroplasts of higher plants
- Correlation between Momentum Modes and Winding Modes in Brandenberger-Vafa's String Cosmological Model : Particles and Fields
- 弦理論を転用したミニ量子宇宙模型
- Can the Membrane Be a Unification Model? : Particles and Fields
- Energy-Momentum Tensor and Conserved Currents in String Theory
- Theory of Quark-String
- R. Balian and J. Zinn-Justin編: Methods in Field Theory, North-Holland, Amsterdam and New York, 1976, 386ページ, 23×16cm, 15,000円.
- 場の理論に於けるトンネル効果
- E. M. Lifshitz and L. P. Pitaevskii著, J. B. Sykes and J. S. Bell訳 : Relativistic Quantum Theory, Part 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York, 1974, 240ページ, 26×18cm, 3,520円.