Department of Engineering Science, Kyoto University | 論文
- Diffuse Scattering of Electrons by Defect in Crystal : II. Structure Analysis of the Guinier-Preston Zone in Cu-Be Alloy
- Diffuse Scattering of Electrons by Defect in Crystal. : I. General Formulation and Application to Guinier-Preston Zone
- Formation of Aluminium Nitride by Nitrogen-Ion Implantation in Aluminium Single Crystal
- A New Ellipsoidal Mirror-Type Reflectometer for Measuring Normal-Incident Hemispherical Reflectance Spectrum
- Study of the Radiative Properties of Heat Resisting Metals and Alloys : (1st Report, Optical Constants and Emissivities of Nickel, Cobalt and Chromium)
- Optical Constants and Emissivities of Iron and Steel in the Ferrite and Austenite Phases at High Temperatures
- Radiation from Luminous Flame at High Pressures : Spray Combustion of Liquid Fuel
- Angular Dependence of Sputtering Yield of Au on Bombardment by 15 to 60 keV Ar^+
- Convoy Electrons Emitted at Glancing Angle Incidence of MeV Light Ions on the Clean(001)Surfaces of SnTe Crystals
- Theoretical and Experimental Study on Heat Transfer and Thermal Performance of Concentration Solar Collector of Horizontal Coaxial Cylinders
- Interferometric Measurement of Large Values of Number Density of Metal Vapor in Heat Pipes
- Planar Dechannelling of Energetic Ions at Dislocations. : I. Dependence of Dechannellling Cross-Section on Density of Dislocations
- Determination of Distribution of Misfit Dislocations in PbS/PbSe Bi-Crystals by Channelling of Energetic He Ions
- Interfacial Order in Eptiaxial PbSe/SnTe
- Planar Dechannelling of Energetic Ions at Dislocations. : II. Dechannelling at Misfit Dislocations in PbS/PbSe
- Effects of Anisotropic Excitation in Laser-Induced Fluoresceruce Spectroscopy (LIFS)
- Elimination of the Excitation Anisotropy Effects in the Laser-Based Determination of Atomic Collision Rate Coeffecient-Depopulating Collisions of Neon 2p^53p Atoms
- Elastic-Plastic Deformation Behaviour of Inhomogeneous Materials Including Polycrystals
- A Method for Prediction of Fatigue Limts of Notched Members