Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Temparature Dependence of NMR of Magnetic at about 10 K
- Thyratron Switch for Pulsed NMR Apparatus
- Temperature Dependence of ^V NMR in V_2O_3 up to 1000 K
- High Temperature Relaxation of the Uniaxial Anisotropy of Eu_ Gd_ Al_ O_ Garnet
- Sound Velocity and Molar Volume of Liquid Sn-Se Alloys
- Molar Volume and Compressibility of the Liquid Bi-Se system
- Window-Like Coherent States and Their Subharmonic Bifurcations in s Successive Transition Process of the Williams Domain
- Ferromagnetic Resonance in Garnet Y_3Fe_Co_Ge_O_
- Experimental Separation of Super Transferred Hyperfine Fields of Fe^ -ions in Zn_xNi_Fe_2O_4
- Comparison of Anthracene Purity Obtained by Various Processes
- Second Harmonic Generation and Ferrimagnetic Resonance in YIG
- Reactions of N(2^2D)with Alkane Hydrocarbons to Produce NH(X^3Σ^-)
- The Exchange Coupling between Fe_3O_4 and αFe_2O_3
- Time-Resolved Measurements of the Gas-Phase Reaction of Mo_2 (X ^1Σ^+_g with Some Simple Molecules at Room Temperature
- Triplet Exciton Trapping by Dislocations in Anthracene Crystals
- Effect of Anthracene Crystal Bending on Triplet Excitons
- Effect of Preparation Conditions of Titanium Oxide on Dinitrogen Fixation to Ammonium Salt
- Thermally Stimulated Current of CdTe Doped with Zn
- Running wheel exercises accelerate neuronal turnover in mouse dentate gyrus
- Mossbauer Study of Fe_Ti_xO_4 at Low Temperature