Department of Angio-cardiology, Kitasato University School of Medicine | 論文
- Arrhythmogenic Difference Between the Left and Right Atria During Rapid Atrial Activation in a Canine Model of Atrial Fibrillation
- Importance of Morphological Changes in T-U Waves During Bepridil Therapy as a Predictor of Ventricular Arrhythmic Event
- Clinical Usefulness of Electrophysiologic Study (EPS)-Guided Risk Stratification for Life-Threatening Arrhythmia in Patients With Heart Failure
- Predictive Impact of the Inducibility of Ventricular Fibrillation in Patients With Brugada-Type ECG
- Inhomogenic Effect of Bepridil on Atrial Electrical Remodeling in a Canine Rapid Atrial Stimulation Model
- Bepridil Inhibits Sub-acute Phase of the Atrial Electrical Remodeling in Canine Rapid Atrial Stimulation Model (Arrhythmia, Basic 5 (A), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Effect of Pilsicainide on Atrial Electrophysiologic Properties in the Canine Rapid Atrial Stimulation Model : A Possible Suppressive Effect on Atrial Electrical Remodeling
- Long-Term Effect of Bepridil on the Atrial Refractoriness and Electrical Remodeling in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
- Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Suppresses Atrial Electrical Remodeling in Canine Rapid Atrial Stimulation Model
- Bepridil Was More Effective Than Class I Antiarrhythmic Drugs toPrevent the Atrial Fibrillation in "Hybrid-Therapy" of Atrial Flutter-Fibrillation
- Monitoring the Progression of the Atrial Electrical Remodeling in Patients With Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation : Analysis of the f-f Interval During Ambulatory ECG Monitoring
- Evaluation of the Effect of Bepridil on Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation : Relationship Between Efficacy and the f-f Interval in Surface ECG Recordings
- The Importance of The Monitoring of The F-F Interval in Surface ECG in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
- Cardioprotective effect of antiarrhythmic drugs on acute myocardial ischemia
- Effect of verapamil and pilsicainide on the atrial electrical remodeling in canine rapid atrial stimulation model
- Examination of the intraatrial heterogeneity of the electric remodeling by atrial rapid stimulation Comparison of right and left atrial stimulation
- Bepridil prevents the paroxysmal atrial fibrillation by class III antiarrhythmic drug effect
- Cardioprotective Effect of Mexiletine in Acute Myocardial Ischemia : Studies in the Rabbit Closed Chest Ischemia Model
- Electrical Remodeling of the Ventricular Myocardium in Myocarditis : Studies of Rat Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis
- Inhomogeneity in the Appearance of Electrical Remodeling During Chronic Rapid Atrial Pacing : Evaluation of the Dispersion of Atrial Effective Refractoriness