Department Of Physics Kyusyu University | 論文
- Rapid DNA Extraction from a Bloom-forming Cyanobacterium
- Detection and 16S rDNA Sequence Analysis of a Bloom-forming Cyanobacterial Genus Microcystis
- Genetic typing of a bloom-forming cyanobacterial genus Microcystis in Japan using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis
- Renormalization Group Sum Rules for Deep Inelastic Structure Functions
- Quantum Best Experiments Using a Cold Neutron Spin Interferometer
- Dielectric Anomaly at the Phase Transition of RbD_3(SeO_3)_2
- Incommensurate Phase in γ-Irradiated RbH_3(SeO_3)_2 and RbD_3(SeO_3)_2
- Kinetic Study on the Mineralization of Low Molecular Fatty Acids in an Anoxic Marine Sediment
- Acetate-Oxidizing Sulfate Reduction in Anoxic Marine Sediments
- On Temperature Depandence of EPR Frequencies in Pseudo-One-Dimensional Heisenberg Magnets
- Anomalous Relaxation in One-Dimensional Magnets. II : Satellite Structure of EPR Line Shape
- Anomalous Relaxation in One-Dimensional Magnets.I : Long-Time t^ Tail and Its Cutoff
- Reduced Equations of Motion for Generalized Fluxes and Forces in the Contiued-Fraction Expansion
- A New Continued-Fraction Representation of the Time-Correlation Functions of Transport Fluxes
- Temperature Dependence of Some Fundamental Physical Quantities in Yba_2Cu_3O_7 : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Flux-Pinning Properties of Yba_2Cu_3O_7 : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock and Functional Approaches. I : A Schematic Model
- New Ultrasonic Method to Investigate Flux Pinning Properties of Superconducting Thin Films
- Angular Distribution for the N^(d, p)N^ Ground State Reaction
- Preparation of Single Phase (Bi_Pb_)_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_y Films with Preferential Orientation of C-Axis by Laser Ablation Method