Department Of Physics Gakushuin University | 論文
- Mobility Hump and Inversion Layer Subbands in Si on Sapphire
- Electrical Conductivity Measurement by Acoustic Attenuationin Semi-Insulating GaAs Crystals
- Novel Numerical Method for Studying the Equilibrium Crystal Shape
- Surface Tension of Molten Copper in Consideration of the Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure under Microgravity Conditions during Parabolic Flight
- New Method of Character Reading by Optical Correlation Technique
- Roughening,Faceting and Equilibrium Shape of Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Interface.I.Thermodynamics of Interface Fluctuations and Geometry of Equilibrium Crystal Shape
- Interaction Effects in Multi-Subband Quantum Wires
- Analysis of Telnperature Dependent Hall Conductivity in Silicon Inversion Layers in Strong Magnetic Fields by a Mobility Edge Model
- Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness of Static Vacuum Black Holes in Higher Dimensions
- Many-Body Effects on the Transmission Probability through a Tunnel Junction in a Strong Magnetic Field (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 25aEE-11 LaFe_2P_2の高分解能ARPES(25aEE 鉄砒素系(122系1),領域8(強相関係:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- Topology and Uniqueness of Higher Dimensional Black Holes(Chapter 3,Higher Dimensional Black Holes)
- 28pTA-5 Kドープした2層グラフェン/H-SiCの高分解能ARPES(28pTA 領域7,領域9合同 グラフェン(修飾/キャリア・ドープ),領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 26aHG-5 新トポロジカル絶縁体TlBiSe_2の高分解能ARPES(26aHG トポロジカル絶縁体(表面状態/輸送現象),領域4(半導体,メゾスコピック系・局在))
- 26aTH-1 高分解能ARPESによるトポロジカル絶縁体TlBi(Se_xS_)_2の電子状態(26aTH 表面界面電子物性(トポロジカル表面・スピン・ラシュバ効果),領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 26aHB-8 タリウム系トポロジカル絶縁体の高分解能ARPES(26aHB 光電子分光(強相関系・表面・薄膜・時間分解),領域5(光物性))
- Identification of a Nuclear Retinoic Acid-binding Activity Representative of Endogeneous Retinoic Acid Receptors in the Nuclei of Rat Liver and Testis
- Regge Trajectories in the Wick-Cutkosky Model
- A Theory of Boundary Roughness Scattering in Quantum Wires
- A Theory of One-Dimensional Electron Transport in Long-Range Random Potential and Its Application to Quantum Wires