Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nihon University | 論文
- Renormalization of φ^4 Theory in SQM with a Kernel : Particles and Fields
- Necessity of a New Counter Term for Fermionic Theory with Yukawa Coupling in Stochastic Quantization : Particles and Fields
- Electron-Electron Correlation, Resonant Photoemission and X-Ray Emission Spectra
- Langevin Simulation of a Bottomless Hermitian Matrix Model for Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Stabilization of φ^3-Model Based on Stochastic Quantization Method with Kerneled Langevin Equation : Particles and Fields
- New Procedure of Numerical Simulation of Long-Range Correlations and Energy Gaps by Stochastic Quantization : Fixed Potential Model and O(3) Nonlinear σ-Model : Particles and Fields
- Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear σ-Model by Means of Stochastic Quantization Method : Particles and Fields
- Possible Origin of Flavour Mixings in the Horizontal Gauge Theory : Particles and Fields
- Horizontal Gauge Interactions as the Origin of Lepton-Quark Masses and Flavour Mixings : Particles and Fields
- Realistic Model Building of Horizontal Gauge Interactions and Quark-Lepton Mass Matrices : Particles and Fields
- Random Matrix Theories and Metal-Insulator Transition
- Planck Mass Problem in the Kaluza-Klein Theory with a Supersymmetric Extra Space : Particles and Fields
- Production of 3π^0 and η2π^0 from π^-p Collision in GAMS Experiment(§3. ππ Production Processes,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Numerical Analysis for Two-dimensional Heat Transfer of Superfluid Helium with Phase Transition
- Simultaneous Measurements of Plasma Potential and Density Fluctuations in a Bumpy Torus by a Heavy Neutral Beam Probe
- Unitarity Problem in Nonlocal Field Theories : Some Remarks on String Field Theory : Particles and Fields
- Minkowski Stochastic Quantization of the Vector Field Based on a Langevin Equation with a Kernel Factor : Particles and Fields
- Operating Regions of a Gas-Puff Z-Pinch and Its X-Ray Radiation
- Evolution of Higher-Dimensional Vacuum with Supersymmetric Extra Space